Hi, my name is Brooksdana1973!

Brooksdana1973 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

Hi I suffer with mental health problems and got job center hassling me to find more hours they are pushing me over the edge I feel like they don't care about how I feel I've got a sick note for a month being treated like a child are they rite by contacting me will off mental health is hard enough to deal with without them hassling me


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,656 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Brooksdana1973 and welcome to the community.

    I'm sorry you're struggling at the moment. Do you feel your mental health affects your ability to work? It may be worth being assessed for LCW or LCWRA if you haven't already. I remember when I worked part-time they called me saying I need to find more hours despite my disability and lack of hours available in the role I was in. It's not a nice feeling at all.