Life is hectic and is going to get more hectic.

SunflowerValley Community member Posts: 309 Empowering

I'm just about to start my second year at college and I'm scared that it is going to stress me out. I will be in college 4 days a week and then 5 once I start work placement. I am also going to have 3 exams in December and January. I will then have lots of coursework from February until June.

This means I will have to change the day I have my PA. It was Monday but I have now had to change it to Friday. Once I have started my work placement it will have to be Sunday. I really look forward to these sessions every week.

My family don't really come and see me and they don't really talk to me and a lot of them have promised to take me out but they haven't and probably never will. I also only have 2 friends who I don't see much, but hopefully I'm going to see them more.

I'm hoping to move in a year so that I'm set up better with my disability for when my parents can't look after me.

I also have to deal with many health problems and appointments which stress me out. I also find it frustrating sometimes when I can't do things myself and feel bad when asking others to help me, even though I know they don't mind.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,729 Championing

    hi @Sunflowervalley I hope you get on OK at college, is there someone at college you can you talk to about how you

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 848 Empowering

    Hi @SunflowerValley What subjects are you studying at college? Perhaps try and pace yourself as much as you can so you do not get too stressed. Where are you doing your work placement are you looking forward to it?

    It can be difficult when we want to do things ourselves and are unable to and need help from others. Most people are happy to help others so please do not feel bad when you have to ask for help.

    Good luck with college, I hope it goes well.

  • SunflowerValley
    SunflowerValley Community member Posts: 309 Empowering

    Hi @Sandy_123 thank you, I can apply for extensions when I do my assignments so that should help since I should get 25% extra time like I do in my exams.

    Hi @Bluebell21 i'm studying Health and Social Care. I will try. I'm going to work in the SEND corridor for students who need help with things like writing, counting money and filling out worksheets and things like that. Yes, I am. Yeah, I'm trying to accept that I need help and it is okay to ask for it (even if it is in the middle of the night, it is what I struggle with most when asking for help). Thank you.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,729 Championing

    That sounds like a good plan and might help

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Community member Posts: 848 Empowering

    It sounds like a really good course you are doing. Please let us know how you get on. Take care.

  • SunflowerValley
    SunflowerValley Community member Posts: 309 Empowering

    @Sandy_123 I hope so.

    @Bluebell21 Yeah, I will.

    Thanks guys, take care.