The Equality Act

Catherine21 Posts: 3,855 Championing

Genuine question why do we have The equality Act if its not followed by DWP and the goverment I woke up panicky heart racing the lot god its torturous living like this its not substantial been under constant threat the feeling something really bad going to happen and it is we are being abused deliberately they are using thier platform to Abuse us mentally its barbaric when you open your eyes to the reality of it all your never have peace if your at the bottom all you do is endure and suffer God I wish wish my life had gone different I wish I had the ability to do what every other person does get a job hold down a job have health relationships just be independent I just can't my brain wired so differently to society sorry to sound negative just all hope has gone The goverment despise us that's a fact tired of the mind games the constant cruelty sad sad sad empty but full of a thousand worries pls Lord let them see us for us
