Should charities charge for help?

Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,330 Championing
edited September 13 in Coffee lounge

I read a post this morning and I can't shake it from my mind and wanted to see what others think…

Should charities charge for help?

I know most rely on donations and encouraging a donation for help seems okay, but charging feels a bit icky to me.



  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,762 Championing

    Ive not heard of charity charging for help except PDSA who ask for a donation. Saying that I've not read the post. It's a hard one that @Biblioklept food for thought

  • Luchia
    Luchia Community member Posts: 450 Empowering

    Hmm this is quite a difficult one to answer as usually when people seek help from charities it’s in a very low moment but I do understand that charities also need to find ways to cover their expenses.

    Maybe they could do the same as PDSA and make a mandatory donation but without a specific amount, that way people can donate what they can and it at least brings a bit of income to cover expenses for the charity.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,877 Championing
    edited September 13

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    Could you please give some more information as to what kind of charities and what kind of help, thanks.

    There are organisations that are constituted as charities that don’t receive funding, some absolutely need to ‘charge’ as they couldn’t otherwise survive.

    There are churches that are charities and manage to make people think God requires them to tithe.

    There are well-endowed charities that it’s dubious (to me) why they have charitable status.

    There are private schools that are charities…

    I think there’s a misconception that confuses charity with caring. Also an expectation that they’re all operating in the public good, when in fact they’re businesses that manage to claim charitable status (those schools again🤣).

    I think there’s also an expectation that charities CAN somehow do everything for free…

  • egister
    egister Posts: 274 Empowering

    If charities collect money from those they help, then this is no longer charitable assistance, but a commercial service.