Housing benefit.

lorna71197 Community member Posts: 1 Listener

hey looking for some guidance for a family member.

Family member claims PIP & ESA Due their parent passing away the council property has been succeeded to the family member they have 2 non dependents living with them who work.

What coverage would they get with housing benefit? It’s all new to the family member and their worried they will have a lot deducted due to the non dependents income.

thanks in advance :)


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,961 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi there @lorna71197 and welcome to the community. 😊

    That sounds like a very difficult situation, I'm sorry for your family's loss.

    With regard to housing benefit, deductions may be made from Housing Benefit (HB) or Council Tax Support (CTS) if a claimant has other adults living with them who work over 16 hours a week, I'm unsure of how much deductions would be unfortunately.