Scored low points in pip?

roma2929 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited September 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

i have applied foe pip however only scored two points for bladder incontinence. I also have prolapse womb and prolapse bowel. ADHD ans i am dyslexic


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    edited September 2024

    Hi @roma2929, welcome to the community 😊 it's quite common for the DWP to make assumptions about how affected your day to day living is if you don't explicitly state it. I'm sorry to hear they've done this, hopefully we can help you with starting your appeal via Mandatory Reconsideration

    For example I have ADHD and Crohn's disease, but if I just say "sometimes I have to urgently rush to the toilet" with my Crohn's disease there are a lot of assumptions they can make there. How often is 'sometimes'? They can make the assumption that 'sometimes' is only once a week! And they can also make the assumption that since I've not mentioned it, I've always made it to a toilet on time, which isn't true. So it is sometimes best to give a real-life example of what has happened, or would happen, if you're unable to do something. In that instance I added a time that I wasn't able to make it, the disruption it caused, the distress, everything in that instance that just made the day more difficult.

    I can then also say something like 'my Crohn's means I spend more time on the toilet', but again this is leaving a lot up to assumptions. How long is 'more time'? Generally the PIP rules care if the time taken to complete a task is 'more time than you would expect a healthy person to reasonably take, that can cause disruption to the rest of the day'. So it's good to say roughly how much longer it takes to go to the toilet, and how that can disrupt the rest of my day. Push things back, requiring cancellation of things.

    I've written quite a bit so I'm gonna stop just now as I hope that gives a good idea of what you could write in your Mandatory Reconsideration? It is best to write the letter than to detail it over the phone, as you cannot be sure how the person on the phone will write into the system what you're saying. They may abbreviate or miss important things out!

    I'm just going to move this over to our PIP section, people may be able to give more advice about appealing the decision 🙂