PIP overpayment ?

AndrewHall Online Community Member Posts: 300 Empowering
edited September 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

In December 2023, Tribunal awarded me standard daily care of PIP in my absence. In January 2024, I requested for a set aside because I did not receive the letter to attend the hearing and felt I should also be entitled to standard mobility. By the time the decision was set aside in April 2024, DWP has already paid me around £4k. Would DWP asked me to pay the money back. If I am not successful at the re-hearing.


  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @AndrewHall If you got awarded standard daily care, but no mobility then the money that they have paid you, would be for the standard care that you was awarded.

    So they are just paying you what they should have been.

    However, as you are challenging for mobility, they would not have given you an overpayment as that was just the standard care.

    If you win at tribunal, then you will get back pay of mobility.

    Hope this helps, and hopefully someone else can give you advice as well.