UC and application for newstyle ESA

berry61 Community member Posts: 122 Contributor
edited September 18 in Universal Credit (UC)

HI everyone,

We are currently receiving UC as a couple, my wife gets the carers element for caring for me, we both get pip standard daily living and standard mobility. I get LCWRA since may this year and I am coming to the end of my long term ssp week 28.

I have therefore applied for NSESA and my application is being g processed this Friday 20th September.

I have today received a message on my UC journal saying....

Is this standard procedure?

I thought ESA was dealt with by DWP not UC, although I was told by @poppy123456 that I don't need to inform UC about applying for ESA until my application has been processes and acceptance awarded.

Thanks any help would be appreciated



  • berry61
    berry61 Community member Posts: 122 Contributor

    Sorry this was the UC message....

    Take part in your commitments review by phone
    This is to review your situation and agree new commitments. You must accept these to get Universal Credit.

    During this interview we will look at your commitments in your Universal Credit commitment to see if anything needs changing in light of your recent claim to New Style Employment and Support Allowance (NS ESA).
    We will also create and agree your commitments for your NS ESA claim. You must accept these commitments to get NS ESA

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,330 Championing

    Yeah that's correct @berry61, when you're a dual claimant (NS ESA and UC) UC are the ones that take charge of reassessments and stuff. You shouldn't need an interview though, I'd remind them you already have an award of lcwra.

    I had this trouble when I claimed NS ESA after already having LCWRA, the systems aren't set up to back-check. When you claim UC they check ESA, but when you claim ESA they don't remember to check UC!!! It took a few letters and a really nice benefit advisor to call them on my behalf to get NS ESA to recognise and put me in the support group!

  • berry61
    berry61 Community member Posts: 122 Contributor

    Thank you @Biblioklept,

    I will inform that I receive LCWRA when I speak with them,

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 78 Empowering

    @berry61 I cannot tell you about either, all what I have seen is that if you apply for new style ESA, your UC claim will go down in how much you are paid.

    Myself I think that it is a silly system, where you are on UC LWCRA, but then you can claim NESA and also PIP. All the while you are also claiming carers allowance.

    You have the maximum limit of what you can claim.

    So what they give you with one hand, they will now take away with the other.

    This is from the official Government website

    You can get New Style ESA on its own or at the same time as Universal Credit. If you apply for and are awarded both benefits, the New Style ESA you are paid will reduce your Universal Credit payment by the same amount.

    So if you get paid £100 your UC will be £100 less

    In my eyes, you are just going through all the hassle of having another review, pretty much for nothing really.

    However, that is my view on it, and please seek further advice either on here or via the CAB or similar benefits advisors.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Community member Posts: 542 Empowering

    Getting NS ESA at the same time as UC does have some advantages.

    It's paid fortnightly.

    It pays a better class of NI Contributions.

    If your circumstances change such as an inheritance ending entitlement to UC, the NS ESA will continue.

    If you later became entitled to UC again, the NS ESA Support Group element would mean you get LCWRA from the start of your claim automatically, bypassing the normal UC WCA process and 3 month waiting time for LCWRA.

  • berry61
    berry61 Community member Posts: 122 Contributor

    Thanks to both of you for your advice.

  • berry61
    berry61 Community member Posts: 122 Contributor

    @Biblioklept ,

    So will the person ringing me on Friday be from UC or Newstyle esa?

    Should I post a reply on my UC journal to remind them I already LCWRA or wait until the phone call ?

    Thanks again

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,330 Championing

    It'll be UC that contact you and yeah I'd definitely remind them you have lcwra, your commitments shouldn't be being reviewed @berry61. You could also ask them to make sure they inform esa about your lcwra xx

  • berry61
    berry61 Community member Posts: 122 Contributor

    Thank you @Biblioklept ,

    It is another process to go through again 🙄 , it is stressful and you always think the worst when dealing with these departments.

    Take care