gap between ctc stopping and uc starting

haras321 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener


Just moving from esa and ctc to uc. ctc last payment was 20 sept but first uc payment not until the 8th oct. how do you pay your bills? I have a choice of paying the mortgage or buying food.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,777 Championing


    You can apply for an advance payment through UC if you really need it. Though it does need to paid back when UC starts so the first UC payments will be lower than expected.

    It may be better to use a credit card or borrow from a friend or relative instead if possible.

  • Emilee
    Emilee Online Community Member Posts: 242 Empowering

    The advance payment from UC is deducted in small amounts from future UC payments, not all in one go and can be spread up to 24 months. It's also interest free and repayments can be paused or in extreme circumstances lowered, so it would be the better option than using a credit card or other forms of debt.