Hi, my name is No1sfool!

No1sfool Community member Posts: 2 Listener


  • No1sfool
    No1sfool Community member Posts: 2 Listener

    Does anyone feel like they are being made a fool of? I trust people to be honest with me and then find out what they say to my face is different to what they write in their records! I feel worse than I did since I asked for help I have lost faith in the NHS services and now intend to withdraw from all of it. If I don’t agree with everything they say they get annoyed or accuse me of lying when I am not and if I question anything I’m paranoid and delusional I know I’m not but then they say it’s part of you’re condition!!! Even when I prove things that I’ve spoken about they refuse to admit they may have got things wrong.I feel abused by the services that were meant to help me recover from abuse!!!

    Has anyone else faced this?

  • GalDriver
    GalDriver Community member Posts: 57 Empowering

    Finding a medic without a preconceived idea of what our problems is as rare as hens' teeth.

    I think we all experience this to a greater or lesser, if lucky, extent. It is like battering head against wall.

    I'm sorry you feel like withdrawing from all of it. They do have their uses, if you can get through to them. Good luck.