Workplace comments

Nemesister Community member Posts: 3 Listener

Hi everyone, I'm new here but I just wanted to get some opinions/vent about something that happened to me today. Just to note I am a female and have two chronic health conditions which are quite disabling.

Without giving too much away, I work in community education.

Today I was in the office and walked in on a conversation where they were talking about nails and one lady announces how I cannot have my nails done at a salon as I'm allergic to gel/acrylics (the lady in question is a close relative of mine and I don't mind people knowing this, it's not an issue).

When this was said, a very senior member of the workplace quipped back at me laughing whilst saying "christ is there anything right with you". Another manager started laughing and joining in and I can't remember what else was said but they kept making jokes and I just stood there and sort of tried to laugh it off but I felt extremely embarrassed and could feel tears in my eyes so I excused myself and left to cry in the toilets.

Not sure if I'm just here to vent or whether this would upset anyone else. The two managers are very aware of my health conditions as I recently had time off due to being really poorly and I just can't help but feel like I'm being treated a little unfairly with the joking about my health. It's something that weighs heavily on me and I already hate the idea that people know this personal information about me as I'm quite a strong minded person and so to come into what I thought was a safe space and feel ridiculed is just eating at me.

I'm also a little disappointed as the work we do entails working with people with disabilities.

What would you do in this situation?



  • Nemesister
    Nemesister Community member Posts: 3 Listener

    Can admin delete please

  • kc1978
    kc1978 Community member Posts: 87 Empowering


    I think you are right to vent.

    I would have been as hurt. Managers forget how to be sensitive and also respect your right to disclose or not your health issues/problems.

    Unfortunately once 1 starts, it's like the spark that starts the fire in office work environments.

    I would try and discuss with them, and just say that you found the comments made a little difficult and not something anyone should joke about. Unless they are joking about themselves and as managers they set how employees, will behave .

    That you just wanted them to be considerate in future, as you would in the future if it continued, be happy to discuss formally with HR present.

    I'm sure they thought they were being funny, and misread how it would impact you. That is where they need to stop and think before mouth goes into gear.

    Hope it helps

  • Nemesister
    Nemesister Community member Posts: 3 Listener

    Thanks @kc1978, I did send an email (as I tend to articulate myself better that way) just to state it hurt my feelings and it probably didn't come across as intended but the mananger who made the comment unfortunately became defensive and said she would never make a comment like that.

    I've just decided not to stress over it but it has left a bad taste in my mouth as far as having any respect for her. If she had just apologised and left it there then I would have been happy but she didn't.