Help with 19yr old

carlene1 Community member Posts: 1 Listener

Ive just done my switch from ESA and child tax credits. On tax credits I got payment for my 19yr old and I still get child benefit. UC I know I don't get the child element for him even though I'm still in receipt of child benefit. I'm confused and unsure what to do now.

So my son is in full time non advanced education doing a supported internship, has an ehcp and enhanced pip.

Iso confused as obviously lost tax credits for him so just getting child benefit for him now.

What are my options please. UC aren't making any sense and can't get through to them on the phone.

Do I not claim child benefit and he makes his own claim??

Very stressed and anxious.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,353 Championing


    He will have to make his own claim.

    The problem is that he will be treated as a job seeker by UC and will need to be 'available for work'.

    There is a workaround for this situation. Where he can claim New Style ESA first - will not get any money because he hasn't worked - but this allows a work capability assessment to be done. Assuming that assessment finds that he has limited capability for work, he can then switch to UC with LCW/LCWRA and not have any work commitments while getting paid by UC.