Work and what it means to you

onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 823 Empowering

This is a subject that can affect some, not only to try to get some normality back into their lives but to sometimes giving a little something by way of a wage that will retain their independence.

What I cannot understand is why the government spends so much money in trying to get disabled people off benefits and then penalise them by taking whatever they earn "OFF" their benefit entitlements.

Why are we not given a bigger chunk of the earnings, instead of having the money taken off against benefit entitlements at a percentage of an excess of income worked out by the councils that is always set higher than pension or disability entitlements so you always contribute in some cases at a total of 85% in the pound?

How can the chancellor and people at the top be Millionaires yet in order to balance the books of debt, need to remove money from the people who need it the most?

The decision about winter fuel payment changes is a disgrace. Do they not understand that once you reach pension age YOU SHOULD RETIRE? Where is the protection of our pensioners? They were the ones that contributed to the NHS and National Insurance that has given you the rights and privileges" you now have.

You can work out programs of assessment to access to benefits yet you cannot make the form filling any easier? Why be assessed for NHS treatment then need another assessment for access to benefits?

There is a payment for short term sick, a payment for long-term sick and a cut off point that allows the Employer to terminate the contract of Employment or stop using contractors to hold your position open as this is set in Law. So why when disabled can't they follow the same rules and allow disabled access to benefits by rules already set out in Law that allows you access to help from the governmen?


  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 823 Empowering

    Why is getting a benefit that you're entitled to so hard to get?

    Anyone would think that the government was doing everything it's power not to pay you your entitlements after you have spent all your working life contributing to a system that pays people at the top at the cost of people at the bottom.