Ask your MP to act!

Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,646 Online Community Programme Lead
edited October 11 in People power

Our new Disability Price Tag report shows disabled households now need, on average, an £1,010 extra each month, just to have the same standard of living as non-disabled households.

After 3 years of high bills without the right support, disabled people and their families are beyond breaking point.

We need the Government to:

  • introduce a discounted energy bills scheme
  • expand eligibility for the Warm Home Discount
  • fix our broken benefits system

This cannot wait. The Government needs to act now, before the Autumn Budget on 30 October. Your MP can help. Ask them to read the report, write to the Chancellor, and raise questions in Parliament.

Call on your MP to act.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,395 Online Community Coordinator

    aaand done! It's so important that as many of us email our MPs as possible. This is one way we can all voice our opinions quickly. All it takes is a few clicks.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,364 Championing

    just emailed them thank you @Albus_Scope I did a bit of work with Groundwork's's UK I went to some training with another company.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 322 Pioneering

    I've emailed my new MP twice and have had no reply as yet, the second time I asked only for an acknowledgement that my short email had been read and I didn't even get that.

    I used to get the WHD until the Tories changed it, got it for years and now I don't, I don't know why as I'm on IRESA & PIP, but all British Gas can say is that they can't help me anymore. My rule now is that I'm only allowed an hour of heating if they temperature goes below 5° just to get a couple of hours respite from the cold. The last few days I'm starting to get my winter sore throat and headaches again, tbf I used to get them with the WHD because I never got it till the spring anyway and I'm on prepay meters so I never did have enough heating even then...

  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 374 Empowering

    I would not qualify for a discounted energy scheme or whd as I'm on means tested benefits.

    Its so unfair that people in my situation are penalised against.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 388 Empowering

    In my opinion, a permanent link to this page is needed at the top of and at the top of

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,411 Online Community Coordinator

    That's truly awful @Meg24. No-one should have to limit their heating like that, especially at such a low temperature. I hope your MP replies soon, something really needs to be done.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 864 Empowering

    No answer to anything I sent mine either. The previous one was never seen, then sent everybody out two letters on that expensive headed HofC paper (a few months before the election was called) saying he’d be holding surgeries. Thankfully people didn’t return that person. Not that the new one is looking to be any better.

    Re the cold. I’ve always had the spartan regime too, it’s brutal, especially if you’re in sub-optimal accommodation.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Specialist

    Have you received any responses from your new MP at all @vikki66? I know you mentioned they don't seem to be looking any better than the previous one, but figured I'd ask.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 864 Empowering

    Of course not - he’s too busy enjoying the perks of Westminster (that’s based on knowing him from his previous position in ‘public service).

  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Community member Posts: 327 Empowering

    No reply from my MP either .

  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    emailed my mp mark garnier but at this early stage doubt ill get a reply. never met the bloke and only ever seen him once in houses of parliment. a few years ago when they froze pensions for a year i wrote to teresse coffee who was then pensions minister and not even a reply. poor show from most mp,s and doubt the lot will be any better.

  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing

    Hi @luvpink! I just wanted to hop onto this thread to clarify that we think disabled people on means tested benefits should be eligible for the discounted energy bills scheme (also known as a social energy tariff) we're proposing. Along with disabled people receiving non-means tested disability benefits, Carer's Allowance, and who struggle with bills but are currently missing out on support from the welfare system.

    The Warm Home Discount criteria can be a bit confusing! If you need any advice on this, you can of course ask on the community or contact our helpline team on 0808 800 33 33

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing

    I know it can be frustrating when our MP doesn't reply to us, or when it feels like they don't care about our views or experiences. I'd still encourage you to email your MP about this issue if you feel able to, as this'll put more pressure on them to respond. But there's no pressure to email them, of course!

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,395 Online Community Coordinator

    No reply from my MP either, but in all honesty, I wasn't expecting one. But at least I've made my voice heard. 😁

  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Community member Posts: 327 Empowering

    nothing from mine either , she never replies .

  • Razr
    Razr Community member Posts: 86 Contributor

    Dear Mr Pollard,

    My name is Rhodes, and I live in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport. I am writing to raise my concerns about the extra cost of disability.

    Scope’s new Price Tag report shows, on average, disabled households need an additional £1,010 a month to have the same standard of living as non-disabled households. After housing costs, this equates to 67% of household income.

    Disabled people have to spend more on a range of things. For example, higher prices of specialist food, paying for taxis due to a lack of accessible public transport options, or increased energy usage to charge vital equipment.

    I have a 24-hour support team behind me as part of my home and independent living care package and disabilities, they sort out what I can not or mess up trying to do for myself and attend appointments and places I have to go to with me, To be honest, I am not too bad although I do still struggle at times, that being said I really think it is time that we start clamping down on the individuals that get benefits and are not entitled to them but scam their way to getting them because they have the know-how, it's just not fair that some people who need it desperately don't get it and people that don't need it do get it no questions asked, it is frustrating and infuriating hearing how these people are being treated, Please make some changes that will actually work and make sure the money goes to the correct people.

    As my MP, your support in raising awareness of the extra cost of disability is really important to me. I want to see the Government take steps to tackle the extra cost of disability. Scope recommends reform to the benefits system and targeted action to reduce the cost of energy for disabled households. 

    I am asking you to write to the Chancellor to raise my concerns about the extra cost of disability, and ask them to take steps to address this. Scope are happy to send you a draft letter. To find out more about the extra cost of disability, please read Scope's Disability Price Tag briefing (DOC 86KB), and meet with their team. Scope have also written some suggested Parliamentary questions. To receive the draft letter, or to meet with them, please email

    I am keen to hear what steps you will be taking to support disabled people in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport with extra costs.

    Thank you, 

    Rhodes Spicer
    69 Citadel Road
    PL1 3AX

    I hope this helps