Pip assessment appointment

Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
edited October 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Hi everyone

Does anyone have an idea why in my phone call one question was, do you sit in your garden? I said I like gardening. So he asked that.

I have ADHD and severe anxiety. That question was a bit odd I thought.

Am I overthinking it? Ha!



  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,805 Championing

    That does sound like an odd question. Not sure which descriptor that could relate to.

    Hopefully it won't make any difference to the decision. 🙂

  • sunny101
    sunny101 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor

    I'm not really sure but it could possibly be to see how severe your anxiety is- which doesn't really make sense as everyone's situation is different and being able to sit in the garden does not indicate how severe somones anxiety is. In my case I am unable to sit in my garden due to my severe anxiety, but like I said eveyones case is different and does not indicate how severe somones anxiety is. I could be completely wrong but that would be my guess.

  • sunny101
    sunny101 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor

    It really should not make any difference to your case though, as the previous comment said, can't see which descriptor that would be relevant to. Good luck and i hope eveything goes well for your pip claim

  • sunny101
    sunny101 Online Community Member Posts: 49 Contributor

    It could also have just been a general question, just to get a understanding of your life, and how you spend your time. After more thought I really don't think it's anything to worry about .

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,200 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Stroud2024, welcome to the community. I've not heard that question before, but I have heard some other slightly strange ones in the past. As others have said, it may have been used to understand how severe your conditions are, but it's difficult to know.

    Fingers crossed you get the result you're hoping for 😊

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    Thank you everyone that does help actually. I think as I mentioned gardening it may have just been part of the conversation to calm me down as I was all over the place and panicking. Gosh I never want to do that again ha! Thank you so much everyone

  • HappyDays62
    HappyDays62 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Empowering

    Hi @Stroud2024 I've just had my assessment (an hour ago) and she asked me about my dog. I took it as just trying to break the ice as it obviously has nothing to do with my claim. I hope this also helps.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Asking about pets is a fairly standard question that a lot of people are asked. It's part of knowing more information about you. For example, if you said you don't go out or you're unable to walk far and you have a dog, this could indicate that you take them for a walk. Of course I'm not saying you do but this is why they ask this question.

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    Such a complicated stressful thing. The whole thing I almost wish I never bothered haha! It's done now though so we'll see what happens. And thank you so so much everyone x

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    I have another question!

    The pip assessor from last week just called me and said he's had an audit on his assessments, and he has to ask me some more questions about going out! He's calling back tomorrow as I'm with my children now.

    I'm a bit scared! I thought it was all over.

    I don't know what I am actually asking everyone!!!??? Just have you heard of this before?

  • OneSunnyDay1
    OneSunnyDay1 Online Community Member Posts: 47 Connected

    I didn't see your comment and just came on to start a post about weird questions they ask please everyone go and add your experience.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    An audit means they are checking the assessor did their job correctly. Reports are chosen at random and the assessors will not know this until the assessment is complete.

    There’s likely things in the report that need to be confirmed or more information is needed. Sorry I can’t be anymore specific than that.

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering

    My assessor asked that too, I thought they wanted me to go outside and sit there now while on the phone! I told them no it's raining so they said no I mean when it's sunny and nice do you sit in the garden. I told them only in the back garden and that I felt okay out there because it's not overlooked and has high fences so no one knows I am there or can see me. My assessment went on for over two and a half hours.

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    Its in 15 minutes! Thank you everyone this has all helped me not feel quite so overwhelmed as I did!


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    I hope it went well!

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    Literally no idea! I'm going to just pretend it never happened, until I get a decision ha! Really nice man that assessed me. So patient, so it wasn't as bad today. We shall see.

    But thank you

  • HappyDays62
    HappyDays62 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Empowering

    That must have been exhausting! I hope you got an award after all that. x

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering

    I was convinced It hadn't gone well at all especially due to the length of the call, lots of questions that had the same answer. Yes I was awarded

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    Thank you. It's difficult to know how it goes isn't it? I literally cried and hyperventilated through both calls! So embarrassing! Ha!

    Doesn't mean anything though. Wait and see what happens I guess x

  • Stroud2024
    Stroud2024 Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected

    And yes my first call was an hour and a half! Exhausting!