Pip report

Clare17 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

received my pip report. I’m looking advice in regards to some areas.
1..first input that I need to use a pill box as I forget but they didn’t mark any pints against it

2.. only marked 2 points for preparing food despite it states in the write up that I can only peel or chop vegetables for a couple off minutes then my boys have to do it due to pain in my hands, so should this not be higher points.
3.. also said I only drive to the local shop and then I prefer to have someone with me.
so I am looking advice in regards have requested the recording off my assessment as I ask for it to be recorded and my code didn’t work to . Any advice would be much appreciated


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,197 Championing

    1/ Whether it's possible to score 1 point here will depend on the reasons why you forget to take them.

    2/ Same applies here, why can't you prepare food? telling them you can't complete an activity due to pain is not enough, you need to fully explain your reasons for not being able to complete it.

    3/ Needing to have someone with you because you prefer it, will not score you any points.

    Are you claiming because of physical conditions or mental health, sensory or cognitive issues?

  • Clare17
    Clare17 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    @poppy123456 it was put down that I need this in order to be able to take my medication.
    In regards to food preparation it states that I am unable to complete preparing food and that my sons have to do it .
    I did say that I can’t remember things.
    I have asked for my recording off the assessment , if I find it on their how do I go about using this ?

  • Clare17
    Clare17 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    @poppy123456 im claiming that it’s effecting my daily living due to a condition called chiari malformation, which gives severe headaches, neck pain and I also struggle to remember things,and I rely on my sons who help with all off these plus they help me fill in any forms as I struggle from reading the information to processing it to them answer the questions and I end up getting quite frustrated. If they don’t put that in would I be able to appeal that ans even include the likes off a letter from my sons stating that. I didn’t know I could do that until this week

  • Clare17
    Clare17 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    @poppy123456 sorry I also meant to add it’s effecting the arms hand and feet due to constant pain snd like sharp pains effecting my nerves