Worrying and confused about the migration

djn2023 Community member Posts: 5 Listener

I'm in the support group and have been for almost ten years.

I dont understand the 'National Insurance contributions (NICs) paid within a set time period' part of 'new style esa'. I havent got any notice, but when they move me over, because I havent had a job in so long, what does this mean for me? That I'll be moved to job seekers?

I hate this and I'm freaking out about the future. 😥



  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,137 Championing


    Your ESA is most likely to be income related. The NIC's only apply to contributions based ESA.

    If all of your ESA is IR then you will be migrated to Universal Credit with LCWRA element, and no work commitments.

    If part of your ESA is Contributions based then you will be migrated to UC & LCWRA as above, plus also getting New Style ESA as a separate payment in addition to that. (Though the NS ESA gets deducted from UC so you're no better off.)

    You will not be classed as a Job Seeker. Although sometimes it does take a few weeks for ESA to send info across to UC about your previous claim, all you can do during that period is wait, and don't accept any commitments that include a work search.