Job application

sceneparade Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor

I have recently been informed of a potential vacant at my current employer. I have applied for this role, which is decided by HR.

My concern is that the will reject me, or find ways to reject my application because they do not want me to have the job. They have form on this. I applied for a role previously of driving instructor and assessor. I was the most qualified candidate for the role. I am registered with the DVSA and can instruct and assess any large vehicle - buses, coaches, rigid lorries and articulated lorries. Eventually, the job was given to an unqualified driver whose only experience is none. They are not qualified instructors by just normal drivers. Whenever I asked f about further jobs, they said there was none for the foreseeable future. I then find out that, yet again, they offered it to someone unqualified.

Now a new role has come up called "driver manager." The job entails skills in assessing, reporting, identifying areas of weakness in drivers' driving standards, educating new drivers and corrective training, everything I am more than qualified to carry out. No-one applying is as qualified as me. I know this because the ones applying are, once again, just drivers with no experience relevant to the role.

When applying for the previous instructor role, they informed me I missed my interview. This was a lie because I looked for any previous correspondence: e-mails, missed calls, voicemails, text messages, letters in the post; there was no offer of interview. So, I know they just looked for a reason to say no. When I said can I re-do the interview, they said the role was closed. It was not. I know this because my friend who eventually got the role, was away on holiday at the time. His interview was when he returned, after they told me it closed.

How can I proceed and prevent them from discriminating against me. I am way more qualified than anyone.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,046 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello there @sceneparade and welcome back. Is this the same company you posted about back in March? I'd be unable to give any legal advice on this unfortunately, but I'm hoping someone will be able to advise you soon.

  • sceneparade
    sceneparade Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor

    Yes, but different role. First role was rejected. I am worried I would be rejected again due to disability.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    I am wondering a little about the issue with the first role @sceneparade, if you received no interview would that not be verifiable? Did you consider escalating the issue at all?

  • sceneparade
    sceneparade Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor

    If I pursued it, obviously. There would have to be a paper trail. Unfortunately, a lot of these places are closed shops, so to speak.

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 183 Empowering

    You can't stop them from discriminating against you. They've already decided you will never get promoted at their company.

    If you want a better position, you must look for roles at another employer.