Help needed

Ask4help2014 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

I'm in need of a new king size bed with drawers and orthopaedic mattress. I believe DWP used to have a place that dealt with items like this as my old one now has reached its end of life and causing me back issues and others.

Any ideas as on PIP and the wife has spinal issues


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,695 Scope Online Community Specialist

    Hey @Ask4help2014, I don't know if you have already tried it but sometimes you can contact your Local Authority to help you with items like this. Especially as your wife has spinal issues, you could request an occupational health assessment of your home. A proper bed could come under such help. We have an advice section on the topic here: Home adaptations assessments | Disability charity Scope UK

    That is the first place I would consider anyway!