Universal Credit Managed Migration

Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering


Am I correct in saying that if someone is migrated to UC, that their ESA entitlement doesn't change until the ESA is up for review? My wife is being asked for "Fit notes", despite having 18 or so months to run on her ESA entitlement. She's getting very stressed about it.


  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,243 Championing

    that's correct.

    Do NOT get a fit note or it'll trigger a reassement,. ignore the request and pop a note on the journal stating migration from ESA regulation 19

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,953 Championing

    You are correct.

    It can take several weeks for UC to receive confirmation of ESA status, hence the current message about a Fit Note.

    As a side note, ESA doesn't have an end date, only an expected review date which

    A) They can review at any time outside this date

    B) There are currently massive backlogs within the system anyway, with only a very small number of reviews taking place.

  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering

    Thank you Nightcity & Kimmy87, you have put both the minds of both my wife and I at rest. Although she obtained a Fit Note from our GP, she asked a question on her Journal before submitting and now we will wait before doing ANYTHING, lol.


  • Siwheels73
    Siwheels73 Scope Member Posts: 750 Pioneering

    All sorted out, no fit note needed and apology given for "automated message sent in error. Big sigh of relief.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing


    Hi I’m glad it’s all sorted out and yous are both feeling much better it’ll be a big weight off your mind.😊