A big hello to...

Morgan_Scope Posts: 451 Scope Online Community Coordinator

We had lots of new members join the community yesterday!

A very big hellow and welcome to:

@DiDi_Music, @Uma, @angelife, @Pattisl267, @Kazzabetty, @SeaJay_UK, @Hopeless, @don11, @patriciani, @ashton, @Lauren1988, @Jayzzz, @jud1e, @FayeJm, @Mob59, @blaze9303, @meg1509, @Kevinsap, @village, @ndsarHHS, @donxxx, @Carol73, @Billiegoat, @declan4, @Jo324, @middali and @malannark18!

Please don't hesitate to jump in and get involved. You can say hello here, start your own discussion, or come join our Weekend Waffle.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all! 😊
