Carers allowance /element

kane1994 Online Community Member Posts: 117 Contributor


I'm asking a series of questions on here for a friend like the past ones I've posted. Why does the cared for person not have to sign anything for someone to get uc carers element for instance there's nothing on their journal entries about uc carers elements?.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,241 Championing

    When it's carers element, no one needs to actually sign anything. Even if you did need to, the cared for person is not the one that's claiming it. They do contact the person being cared for to tell them that someone has claimed it.

  • kane1994
    kane1994 Online Community Member Posts: 117 Contributor

    The cared for person has no journal entries or had a phone call to state that someone is claiming it for them, is it just the claimant that gets the journal entries?

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 705 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    The person being cared for should receive a letter in the post making them aware that someone has submitted a claim for carer element or Carer's Allowance @kane1994. They will not receive a note in their journal, as not everyone with a carer is claiming UC.

  • kane1994
    kane1994 Online Community Member Posts: 117 Contributor

    Okay I'll let them know this cheers, if they do not receive a letter should they contact uc or just leave it as is.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,241 Championing

    Is the person that's claimed carers element actually caring for that person? Are there issues with this and this is the reason for your questions? If there's no issues there's no need to contact UC.

  • kane1994
    kane1994 Online Community Member Posts: 117 Contributor

    No there's no issues at all everything is fine I'll let them know its not actually me I'm asking for it's someone else I'm asking for.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,241 Championing

    I'm glad everything is fine. There's no need to contact UC.