A poem called My One and Only.

Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,845 Championing

A poem called My One and Only.

I love you. 

Through you shine a tremendous amount of beauty with a stunning figure.

Your eyes have the heart symbol flashing in front of each other eyes.

Your kind and generous words and nature mean you are a one-in-million type of young adult woman who left and gasped for a few seconds. 

Our sweet words made our connection of love with each other hearts and our love grew unbelievably strong. 

I couldn't wait to meet your parents for the first time as I wanted to ask for the sweet princess's daughter's hand in marriage.

The chelo played a soft melody in the background.

I was dressed in a white suit and trousers and black shiny shoes on my feet and you were wearing a gorgeous white velvet dress with sequels on you wore a gold chain around your neck and diamond earrings in both your ears.

I got the green diamond ring out pocket before getting down on my knee in front this was truly special as you were taken aback for a brief. I seconded before I asked you to reach out for your hand and I popped the question of marriage which you said yes to as I placed the green diamond ring onto your finger, as the ring glimmered and sparkled within a few weeks and had a small wedding ceremony with just there families.

And every day he gave his wife a beautiful bunch of lilies, purple tulips, daisies, and red roses.

And a few months passed before they welcomed their child together and cemented their bond between the two of them as the young family lived happily ever after.
