UC - change of circumstances and WCA

Bertie1981 Online Community Member Posts: 71 Connected

Hello all,

I reported a change of circs on the 4th October. Son left full time education and started an apprenticeship the following week on the 7th. I've had to remove him from our claim and put him down as another non dependant who lives with us. We still have one child (still at school) on our claim.

With us getting paid on the 30th of every month and UC being paid in arrears, am I right in thinking we'll see the difference in this month's payment?

Also, OH has his WCA this week via phonecall. He's a bit nervous as he hates speaking on the phone to anyone as it is. Has anyone got any tips for him please so he doesn't get too stressed out? How long do they usually take? They're ringing him on my number for some reason, not sure why as they have his phone number. Could it be because I'm his carer?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing

    UC entitlement is based on your circumstances on the last day of each assessment period. Therefore, you will see the difference in this months money, so no child element will be paiid for your son this month. Have you reported the changes to HMRC for child benefit as well?

    They would usually ring your number if you're his official appointee, rather than his carer. If you're not his appointee then I would say it's more like they got the telephone numbers mixed up.

    He can put the phone onto loud speaker so that you can hear what is being said. For my past work capability assessments they have wanted to know what a typical day is like for me. I don't know if it will be the same for him. If he kept a copy of the form he filled in he should have a look at the before the assessment. It can last anywhere from about 20 to 120 minutes.

  • Bertie1981
    Bertie1981 Online Community Member Posts: 71 Connected

    Thank you for your reply 😊

    Yes, I told CB on the same day that I informed UC and CB payments have been adjusted. Our assessment period ends on the 23rd which is today and because the changes happened at the start of the month, I did have a feeling we'd see the difference this month.

    Will it affect transitional protection now I've removed our son from the claim? My understanding after looking into it is that it shouldn't do - it isn't affected unless it's a major change in circs. Eg if it was a single claim which turned into a joint claim or if partners split up etc?

    Regarding WCA - they must have got numbers mixed up but I'm kind of glad in a way because his phone is rubbish, can hardly hear anything on it lol. We've got a copy of the UC50 here.