Learning BSL

wobblyone Online Community Member Posts: 119 Contributor

I would like to learn BSL as I think it’ll be useful. I have a hearing impairment that has gotten worse in the last decade. I have managed to do some introductory courses but I’m struggling to get to BSL1. I have difficulty getting to the class but even if I did solve that problem the prices are so high.

I have found an online course but it is not live and the signs seem random because they are from all over the UK. Some are so different to what I learned from my introductory course I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. It would also be good to practice with someone else.

Does anyone have any ideas of courses or practice groups online or in London that are live and free or cheap?


  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services

    Hi @wobblyone

    BSL is a great language to learn. I admire anyone who learns a new language. I started learning BSL many years ago and got to level 1 but unfortunately didn't take it any further. I did learn quite a lot of Makaton though when teaching.

    I don't know how good it is but British Sign is an online course where you can learn from home.

    They also say this on their website:-

    "Our aim is to enable as many people as possible to gain some knowledge of British Sign Language. The usual fee for our course was £25 per person but during the Coronavirus pandemic we realised that this price was restrictive to some people. Because of this we are now running a "Pay it Forward" scheme.

    Under this scheme you can study the course for as little as £3 - the remainder of the fee coming from contributions from other users.

    If you feel that this course is valuable however and you are in the position to contibute more towards your learning then we ask you to kindly consider contributing more. By contributing more than £3 you are supporting the sustainability of the course and you are enabling other people to learn BSL. Thank you"

    This may make it more accessible to you. It might be worth checking it out.

    Good luck.


  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services

    Meetup is also a place where you can look for groups to join or possibly even set your own up.


  • wobblyone
    wobblyone Online Community Member Posts: 119 Contributor

    Thanks for the ideas @Doris_Scope I joined British Sign a while ago but feel a bit lost when it comes to practicing. I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to start an online group just yet but it not a bad idea. I haven’t seen any for beginners online I’m a bit worried about trolls. I’m wondering if to ask people I know who want to learn to join a zoom or something. A few friends and family want to learn.

    Thanks for giving me some ideas