I know uc sometimes ask for 4 months bank statements, but why do they?

HB has always been two months.
No other benefit reviews have ever asked this of claimants have they, so, why?
I recently had to provide four months worth and I felt violated. Anyway I provided the evidence but they were not happy I'd changed bank account earlier this year. They then wanted a further three months from the previous account.
Other than direct debits I have started withdrawing money and try to pay in cash for everything else.
Next they will be monitoring our reward cards to see the exact contents of our shopping baskets.
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it’s happening to lots people seen
It over on fb don’t worry it is a thing now x
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You’re right there!
Be another mystic tin foil prediction come true !
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because benefit claimants are considered to be "economically inactive" and hence, subhuman, in the eyes of neoliberal institutions like the DWP.
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It's horrid isn't it I can imagine them looking at mine I'm terrible with money order late at night ect saying oh it's OK for some look she brought facecream I believe they been told to question more about cash withdrawals as they want us to go digital no way want that
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I know my HB review that's I just done queried things that were cash.
I just wondered why UC want four months worth, even nothing else ever does.
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I don't know why exactly why they want four months, it seems to be a standard request when selected for one of these reviews.
I went through one myself last September.
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They can ask to go back years as well
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The same applies to all means tested benefits.
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I think when it's blatantly obvious you don't have more than 6k in your account and you've provided statements it should stop there.
I'm in support of fraud being stamped out, but everyone seems to be treated like they are committing fraud unless they prove otherwise.
Let's be honest, benefits don't even cover basic living let alone a shopping spree.
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Poppy when do you think they will talk a out wca is it all set to go ahead for 2025 like tories wanted
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That's a different topic for another thread.
This one is asking why they have a four month statement request.
It doesnt make sense, they must have a reason when no where else ever asks for this.
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I have no idea.
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The council know I am on esa, they write and tell me of any changes, when any changes happen.
I wonder if some of the suspicion is how on earth are we managing.
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From the little I have managed to find the four months request is to check that you are not over the £6000 threshold and you are receiving the right amount you are entitled to.
That though is other firms and not officially the reason, it just seems to be the jist.