MR text

jo1984 Online Community Member Posts: 66 Connected

Hi just a question. I put my mandatory reconsideration a few weeks ago and I no it can take some time but does everyone know if Pip MR texts you like they do when the original claim is in. Or do they just send a letter with if the original decision is been kept or if it been overturned (this one not very likely). I had to call them, to make sure they got my supporting evidence and they had but I did not get a txt saying they had received it so was just wondering if they do not txt with MR and just send a letter with the decision.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    If it’s a first time claim and you don’t currently have an award they sometimes send a text if there’s an award but not always.

    If there’s no award and the decision doesn’t change they don’t usually text.

    You will receive a decision letter either way.

  • jo1984
    jo1984 Online Community Member Posts: 66 Connected

    Thanks, I no that MR never really work and they do not change the original decision that often but just wanted to no if I suppose to get txt message or just a letter.

  • TMJ1993
    TMJ1993 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    They will usually send a confirmation text some like "you have asked us to look at our recent PIP decision again"….etc, but you will not get any contact after that until you get your outcome.

  • jo1984
    jo1984 Online Community Member Posts: 66 Connected

    Thanks, yes I got that text but I was just wondering if they send text like they do with the original pip claim, "like we are still looking at the decision" or "the decision has been made" or if they have overturned the decision but I think it sounds like I just get a letter with if they are keeping the decision or if they have overturned it (very unlikely).