Last 4 months bank statemenrs

Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

Hi,within my universal credit journal today I received a message asking me I need to upload my last 4 bank statements and photo i,d. I am currently on LCWRA ,and recently won my pip tribunal.

I am already a anxious person,suffer from depression,ocd,ptsd,and have panic attacks also a waiting a nhs autism assesment.

I am really worried they will send me next for a work assesment,after they receive my statements etc,as my last one was around 6 years ago.

Am I over thinking?.has this ever happened to anyone else.Is it random?.or is it the dwp now know I won my pip appeal.Even at my tribunal the dwp person asked me when was my last assesment.

I am already stressing on the outcome of a health assesment.Providing my bank statements etc I have no problem with,but a health assesment fills me with dread.

I am under a mental health nurse and on medication.

Any advice I would be grateful.



  • DJ17
    DJ17 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

    Can I ask you how long have you been on UC? Have you been on LCWRA from the beginning? I am very new to the UC system but I would like to find out if they do it randomly or something like your pip triggers it.

    I hope you get an answer from the community

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    Hi I was transfered over to uc roughly about 2017/2018 and lcwra about the same time.I dont know if pip triggers it,sorry

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    @Charlie5 This will be a review of your claim to make sure it's correct. They are reviewing millions of people. Providing you don't have capital of more than £6,000 that you haven't reported then everything should be fine.

    This review will not trigger a work capability assessment. As far as I'm aware, reviews for the majority of people that have LCWRA are still suspended anyway.

  • DJ17
    DJ17 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

    It sounds like the id check and bank statements are random. You have been on UC for a few years. After so long on UC they band to check most of us.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,937 Championing

    UC are doing millions of these checks at random.

    I had one last September and lots of other members here have had one.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    It has nothing to do with claiming PIP because PIP is completely different. To start the work capability assessment process off, if you claim Universal Credit then you'll need to log into your journal and report a change of circumstances. Then click health conditions and report your conditions through there. It should then ask if your health conditions limit or prevent you from working so you click yes.

    You will then need to provide a fit note within 7 days of that. You will need to continue to provide fit notes without any gaps until a decision is made on your work capability assessment. A work coach should refer you usually around 29 days after providing your first fit note.

    Once you're referred you will receive a letter on your journal telling you they've done that and a few days later you'll receive the form in the post.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    Ahh thankyou for your message.No I do not have sevings of over 6k,and yes I have reported everything to them via my journal.So ts just the norm from them and nothing to worry about?

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    Ahh thankyou for your message.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    Poppy I already receive lcwra along with my universal credit so I dont really understand your message.They via my journal today just asked me to upload my last 4 bank statements

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    My long comment above wasn't for you, it was for another member named DJ17 that posted a question on your thread. I did quote their comment hoping you would realise that my comment wasn't for you.

    For your review with the bank statements, you'll very likely need a telephone appointment too at some point.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    sorry Poppy I misunderstood didnt realise that message wasnt for me.So what does a telephone appointment assist of please?


  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    May I ask did anything happen after your bank statements etc ?


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,937 Championing


    The process is submit the information they ask for.

    Then you will have a telephone interview.

    You'll be asked a series of scripted questions about other potential sources of money.

    Then questions about some of your banking transactions, which might not appear to make any sense.

    I myself (as capital was over £6k on paper) was then asked to submit individual bank statement pages showing my CoL payments.

    Then I had a journal message saying my review was complete and my payments were correct.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 142 Contributor

    Ahh thankyoufor letting me know the process,I understand things better now.
