Waiting for PIP decision

FoodFairy90 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited November 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Good morning all,

I am really struggling waiting for my PIP decision and I wondered if anyone had any tips on how to relieve the anxiety of waiting?

I previously applied for PIP when I was on the assessment pathway for ADHD and Autism because it said a diagnosis wasn't required but then in the report it said that I wasn't diagnosed with anything so wasn't awarded. It really made me feel absolutely devastated as the man who did my assessment seemed to really understand what I was saying and I think it is the first time I had ever opened up about my issues. I felt like I spent a lot of time crying and really opening up and then when I got the thing through and it said I showed no distress and stuff on the call, I just felt really devastated that I had trusted someone enough to open up and then it felt like they had just lied and it made me think that I wouldn't get diagnosed as it said on the report that I didn't have any evidence of Autism or ADHD. It was basically really traumatic.

Anyway, miraculously when I had my assessments they said it was actually quite evident that I was both Autistic and ADHD. So I thought, well I should try again because I have been struggling so much with working full time that I needed to drop to part time. It is making life hard in respects to finances but then good in the fact that I am not getting burnt out. Anyway, now I am getting really, really anxious waiting for the decision as it really affected me last time. I am almost wishing that I just didn't apply as the comments last time really hurt and made me feel like I was just failing at life for no reason. I don't know how to deal with the anxiety. I am not expecting to get it but I don't know whether when the letter comes through to just throw it away rather than read the comments.

SOrry I have rambled. Has anyone got any advice?


  • Jules56
    Jules56 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    Good morning

    I waited over 12 months and finally went to arbitration before winning my PIP appeal.

    The biggest mistake I made was filling in the PIP form myself without advice.

    After my application was rejected, my brother suggested, I should go to my local Citizens Advice Office (CAB) . They asked me why I had not come to them first. 😀

    Thinking about, I just had never considered CAB would be able to help with a PIP claim.
    But they did, took me through my appeal and supported me during the process.

    I am sure lots of other organisations are out there who can help, it is important to know that you are not alone. We have also found online Access Card, National Disability Card and Carers Card UK which are worth a look.

    Like you I also became very anxious and worried that PIP thought I was to deceive then. But in the end you have to believe in yourself and reach out for help when you need it.

    Kindest regards

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    For new claims from the time you apply to having a decision is can be anything up to 6 months. If you need to challenge the decision then yes it can be as long as 18 months from start to finish.

    @FoodFairy90 was there any reason why you didn't challenge the first decision? You are correct that a diagnosis isn't needed for a PIP claim because it's not about that. If someone does claim without one then yes, sometimes they can blame lack of diagnosis as the reason for refusal.

    If you've had the assessment already then once the assessment report is returned a decision can take up to about 12 weeks.

    In the meantime while you wait do you have something you can do to try to take your mind off the wait? Maybe watch some films or series? Do you have any hobbies?

    If the worst happens again this time and you're refused or you're awarded but think you should be entitled to a higher award I'd advise you to challenge the decision, as this is very often the best way forward, rather than to start another new claim.

  • FoodFairy90
    FoodFairy90 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Thank you for your responses.

    I didn't know that CB can help but I will reach out to them if it comes to it. I had my assessment 4 weeks ago and they said I should have a decision within 8 weeks so I am probably about half way through.

    The reason I didn't challenge the first decision was because they had said I didn't have any diagnosis or evidence to suggest that I am autistic and ADHD. So in my head that meant that the assessor didn't believe that I had a disability and I was actually so embarrassed. I convinced myself that I wouldn't get diagnosed.

    When I had the realisation that I could be AuDHD there was this massive sense of relief as it felt as though things finally made sense and I didn't feel like a failure for struggling so much and still needing so much support from my mum etc. So when I got their letter, I thought it was all in my head and it made me incredibly depressed. I ended up on anti-depressants and I didn't think there was any point in challenging the decision.

    I had to wait a while to be assessed, and by the time I actually got my diagnosis, it was way past the cut-off for challenging and they told me to do a new application.

    I enjoy running but I am too scared to run when it is dark. My friend is going to go with me tonight but she lives far away so we go once a week. I have been trying to watch tv/films but I am getting very distracted and missing parts. I don't know why it is making me so anxious because its not like they can take my diagnosis away but I just don't want to read it and feel as though they invalidate it or something.