How many of us are scared of the dwp?

whistles Community member Posts: 1,847 Championing

I know this is a totally random post.

I am waiting to move from esa support group to uc lcwra. But as I don't get any premiums, I believe from a post I found on here that I would actually be better off.

But I am too scared to change before the official letter arrives!!! So will have to leave it alone.

So my question is, how many others feel too scared to make any changes, because we are fearful of things being cut out going wrong.



  • noman
    noman Community member Posts: 1,270 Pioneering

    Not me!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 2,647 Championing

    Terrified I'm convinced they given me ptsd

  • Vogue
    Vogue Community member Posts: 33 Connected

    Hi I'm a very Anxious person and was worried changing over to UC & LCWRA I did my claim with my original Jobcentre adviser via Telephone....I only waited for barely 3 weeks before I got my first payment as my advisor sorted out an Extra 2 weeks payment extension which helped alot....once your first payment comes through you will be much better off especially with LCWRA Added on....

  • Kittylees53
    Kittylees53 Community member Posts: 10 Listener

    Totally understand, I’m not “scared” of DWP just find their processes intimidating and demoralising … everyone’s needs and support levels are different even with similar conditions … and when you are awarded something, you dare not change anything, if your condition deteriorates further, in fear of loosing what you have got (that’s now happened to me). 😞

  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,847 Championing

    So you just cope with cuts and changes as they happen?

  • noman
    noman Community member Posts: 1,270 Pioneering

    Yes I do, whatever the dwp or government decide to do with benefits there is nothing I can do about it so whatever happens will happen and no point worrying about it.

  • Vogue
    Vogue Community member Posts: 33 Connected

    Well my situation was I went from jsa benefit to UC in June this year I didn't wait for the migration letter on the advise of my then advisor at the jobcentre

    She helped me with my UC claim over the phone as she new how Anxious I was....

    When my UC came through I also had an added amount which I enquired about I was told it was a transitional protection payment which was a welcoming payment

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 800 Trailblazing

    changes are part of life if you would be better off on uc it is not a cut i have to agree with noman for everyone that goes wrong i am sure there are hundreds that are fine worry will not change it one way or the other

  • Vogue
    Vogue Community member Posts: 33 Connected

    May I add to your question if your condition has changed I .e Deteriorated you must let them no this

    Have you thought about putting in for PIP

    You are entitled to this even when you receive LCWRA as PIP is a none means tested payment

  • wendy1
    wendy1 Community member Posts: 95 Empowering

    HI Whistles,

    Yes I'm like you, scared off what the DWP can do to me and there's no punishment for them.

    I thought that if your were in the Support Group you didn't need to change to UC.

    It's totally disgusting how the treats us.

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 122 Empowering

    I find things like that very stressful very . My brain just wants gentle flow no

    Obstacles but life’s not like that no matter how I try. We changed over from working tax not long ago . It had me demented . In all honestly we had alot to do not same circumstances as yourself but I find any process to do with things like that really affects me . It’s not over yet either as I’m

    going through process of uc50 ect. I’ve avoided for years doing any kind of claim for my health until now I have no choice . I’m sure it won’t be as scary as you think just prepare yourself x

  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,847 Championing
  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,847 Championing

    I am not part of "normal" life though that's the problem I feel. I don't do well with changes.

    Even the simple change of year can sometimes effect me.

  • wendy1
    wendy1 Community member Posts: 95 Empowering

    HI Whistles,

    Oh I see, it's income related claimants.

    Do you now need to look for work

  • Vogue
    Vogue Community member Posts: 33 Connected

    Same I don't handle changes well I have sleepless nites sometimes don't eat due to my severe Anxiety levels

    But once mine was sorted it gave me some peace of mind and helped relax my mind and body but I still worry bout any future changes before they've even happened

  • whistles
    whistles Community member Posts: 1,847 Championing

    No just waiting for the letter to migrate over.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 71 Contributor

    I just recently moved from support group ESA to UC and housing component, you do NOT need to prove again that you are disabled, the ESA counts as enough, so don't worry about that. Also check your local council for reduced council tax (I only pay £3.99 per month), also check for one-off housing support payment (ranges from £50-£100), if you have debt with utilities, ask citizen's advice for help, in fact they are great and always on your side even with PIP applications. Citizen's Advice are really helpful with budgeting and applications and talking to utility companies, in fact I am with utility warehouse and they informed me I qualify for £150 contribution by them to reduce my debt with them, as well as a very low repayment plan.

  • Doglover2
    Doglover2 Community member Posts: 88 Empowering
    edited November 18

    I'm afraid of the stress the "Trying to get through the process" for anything dwp related. I'm terrified in fact, I'm on constant alert mode, I watch the post diligently and thank god when the postie passes by. But I do and will stand up to dwp.

    It Costs me dearly mentally and physically, but what's the alternative. Live on nothing, it's impossible.

    Each one of us who wins against them is a victory for all. Changes are frightening but we have to deal with what comes our way. Much as we'd rather be left in relative peace. X

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Community member Posts: 203 Empowering

    I would say that I'm resentful of the DWP. It's heartbreaking to read stories of people needing support, being knocked back and forced to fight, which will make their disability worse.

    When you're on LCWRA as well. I feel that when you do get the support, you're at the DWP mercy and scared in case anything happens.

  • SeasideAnne
    SeasideAnne Scope Member Posts: 30 Contributor

    Me! I've worsened and in theory that could mean I'd get a bit extra, but I daren't get in contact in case they take it all away. The fact that I'm very disabled don't come into it, I just don't trust them at all.