DWP called before responding to tribunal

Kami22 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected


Just wondering if anyone has had this before? I scored 0 on both application and MR and I’m now at the appeal stage. DWP called me out of the blue to ask some questions then said I’ll get a letter soon. I’ve seen many say they call to make an offer but in my case they didn’t. I’m waiting for the letter but just curious. Did you get an offer by letter? Did the call mean nothing? Was there anymore calls or straight to tribunal? I know it’s all different but just trying to get an idea. Thank you


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,177 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Kami22, welcome to the community. I have heard members saying that they've received phone calls out of the blue asking questions sometimes, with mixed outcomes so it's hard to say what it means. It can be pretty confusing!

    What kind of questions did they ask you about on the phone call?

    You could try ringing the PIP enquiry line to see whether they can tell you what stage your claim is at now. They're not always very helpful, but it could be worth a go 😊

  • Kami22
    Kami22 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    I was asked about work and if I have any more evidence to send.
    I’ll try ringing the enquiry line. Thank you

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Yes, they can sometimes ring at this stage, if they have questions to ask because a decision maker is reviewing your claim before they respond to the Tribunal. Sometimes an award is offered at the stage and sometimes it isn't.

  • Kami22
    Kami22 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    thank you, they didn’t offer and they want to proceed to tribunal and I’m just not up for it. I’ve given up.

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @Kami22. Do you have a date for your tribunal yet? I'm sorry you feel like giving up on the appeal, it can be a very stressful process.

  • Kami22
    Kami22 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    hey, not yet. I’ve just received DWPs response but no date for tribunal yet.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    You could be waiting a considerable length of time for a hearing and I know that many people are waiting around a year, some less and others possibly longer. Yes, it's a very long process.