Second Bedroom Evidence for Mutual Exchange

beckybee Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener


After moving a long way back to my current area, and after just a short period of time, I am forced to move again due to suffering severe and persistent anti social behaviour and harassment (long story short).

I am in a 2 bedroom disabled accessible property and have multiple disabilities. Friends and family provide overnight care frequently for various reasons and needs. I get the enhanced rate of both daily living and mobility. I was granted the second bedroom with my PIP notice alone previously. I had another property prior to here with the PIP award daily living as evidence. I do not want another care company in for as long as possible. Not the best experience at all.

I have found another lovely home in a lovely rural area. I'm sandwiched between serious levels of disorder here and it's taken such a toll on my mental and physical health. I am much older than everyone around me and I think this exasperates things. This place has changed so much and I need to get out for the sake of my health and sanity.

The housing officer from the area I want to move to will not accept that I need overnight care with my PIP daily living award alone. As I've only been here a matter of months I'm still on waiting lists for the normal multiple services I'd usually be under.

I was under the impression that my award notice would be sufficient? It has been in the past. I can't really afford the 59 pounds for a doctors letter either. The housing officer seems to have some very misplacesd views also about care and needs etc and i feel like whatever she is given her views are going to impact this. Can anyone advise?


  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,204 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @beckybee sorry you've not had a response to this yet. How are things at the minute? Have you managed to make any progress with the housing officer of the new area?