Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 143 Contributor
edited December 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Can anyone tell me please,what is a correction notice and what it entails?




  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,315 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey there @Charlie5 would you be able to give us a bit more context please? Was this after a tribunal?

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 143 Contributor

    I went for my pip tribunal.on the day on my pip appeal tracker I went online that evening and stated I had been awarded on mobility.3 days later got the same information via hmcts .Left it 6 weeks and then I phoned pip up and asked when payment details would be put into play etc.i was told pip had received from hmcts my award and then a few weeks later from hmcts a non award.So they could not issue payment until the judge who took my case tells them if I was successful or not and they can do this at there leisure.phoned up hmcts and was told a correction notice has been issued on behalf of the dwp I think and was requested on the 7th of November.so now my head is all over the place as I thought I had been awarded and now it looks like I have not.i have had no further letters or emails from hmcts since the day my award letter arrived in the post.Hope you can advise me please,as its all adding to my mental health again.Thankyou

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,315 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks for explaining @Charlie5 it's most appreciated.

    I'm no expert on what happens after tribunals unfortunately, but after a tribunal has made a decision, there might be instances where clerical mistakes, accidental slips or omissions need to be corrected. These are typically minor corrections and do not change the substance of the decision.

    Once these corrections have been made, all parties involved are notified of the changes through a Tribunal Correction Notification. The corrections are legally binding and form part of the tribunal's final decision.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 143 Contributor

    Thankyou for your reply and help.Does this mean I may still get my award after corrections have been done?


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,315 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    You're welcome @Charlie5 always happy to help. 😊

    Unfortunately I'd be unable to say what will happen, as that will be between the courts and the DWP, but I'll be keeping everything crossed!

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 143 Contributor

    Thankyou and sorry I put you on the spot there.i really do think I won't get my award.So who do you think will contact me in future of this matter? Dwp or hmcts?


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,315 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Oh dont worry at all @Charlie5 I'm here to help where I can. 😊

    By the sounds of things, HMCTS will be in touch once all amendments have been made. Hopefully they won't keep you waiting too long.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 143 Contributor

    Thankyou just hope they get in touch sooner rather than later,just to end my anxiety over it once and for all.

    Thankyou again for your time.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,315 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    No problem at all @Charlie5 will you let us know how you get on please? If you need to chat or need your mind taken off things, feel free to stick around, everyone's in the same boat. 😊

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 143 Contributor

    Thankyou I will.I always look in daily on here,as you can learn so much from other people's experiences, you can gather sometimes seeing things differently from another's point of view and the advice and help will always be found from the good people such as yourself that help voluntary on here.I will keep you posted