🎄Deck the Streets with Lights for Illumination Street Week✨

Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

I absolutely love it when people put their Christmas lights up, and my family like to go on drives at night to see them all. We even play Christmas Light bingo where we have to find certain types of lights to fill up our bingo card! Have you done something similar?

Illumination Street Week 2024

This week invites people to get into the holiday mood by decorating their homes in wonderful lights and decorations. It's a time to spread joy and happiness and get creative!

Amazing street displays

What do you think of these displays? I just keep thinking about the electricity bill 😂

Bodmin, Cornwall

Hangeton, Brighton

Westfield, East Sussex

Hickling, Norfolk

Do you, or any of your neighbours, put on a big display? I'm not sure I'd want to live opposite any of these houses!

Public Displays

This gorgeous display is on Regent Street, London, and was designed by Paul Dart. The tradition of putting up spectacular Christmas displays began in Regent Street in 1954 in an effort to bring some glamour and magic to a city that was once described as 'drab and dull'. I think they've done a good job!

Do you plan on putting up lots of lights and decorations? Even a small decoration in the window can bring joy to others, it definitely does for me 😊 Maybe you're going to make some of your own decorations? Share your pictures with us!


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,046 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I had my yearly hobble into town last week and they've got the xmas stalls and rides up and they made me stupidly happy. I do love seeing all the lights up.

    I cant wait to get out wire reindeer out of the attic and put out the front of the house.🤗

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 887 Trailblazing

    I love it when folk light up the outside of their homes & gardens too. Usually have a drive around to see them. There are quite a few on my lane that I can see from my lounge & can see a lot from my kitchen window in the other direction. 😎 I have icicle lights hanging from the lounge windows & the lounge is pretty bright & stands out, plus there are lights on my balcony. Several neighbours are lit up too, so it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    That sounds so lovely @JessieJ. I'm jealous that you can see so many from your window. We live opposite a little co-op and they have some fairy lights. Do you put your lights up outside every year? My husband and I went for a drive round an estate that's known for going all out and it didn't disappoint. The 30ft Grinch was a highlight!

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,759 Championing

    Neighbours over the road look fantastic all their drives are lit up and houses outside

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 887 Trailblazing

    At least you can see some. Rachel & maybe some houses will have a few up near you. It is fun to drive around & see the extent some go to. I always think it's great as they're not really for those inside but for everyone out. Love it!

    I always have lights here outside, as far as I can. When I was in houses with gardens, they were always decorated outside. Not OTT, but lights in trees, had some deer, Santa & sleigh plus Santas climbing trees. Also, the conservatory & all house windows were lit. Now, with LED, it's cheaper to be lit up & those that go to town will enjoy cheaper bills, as they gradually change over.