White paper ..work coaches to go into gps surgeries

BrainfartsHere Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

Do we have no privacy ,no rights ..This is concerning


  • cleoptra12
    cleoptra12 Online Community Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    What happens if u have a long term illness like motor nurone disease or Ms and copd where u can't breathe half the time . Evan though your prescribed inhalers . This government is not looking at the long term sinario playing whith peoples lives

  • charl1980
    charl1980 Online Community Member Posts: 158 Contributor

    Bad mental health talking therapy couldn't cope with me or support me, they had to forward me to more severe help, won't suit a lot of people

  • orangeapple57
    orangeapple57 Scope Member Posts: 41 Contributor

    Have you seen the dispatches programme benefit scroungers and them claiming 7% are dead weight? Also I called it but not to boast but the presenter was previously working for Ian Duncan Smith's baby centre for social justice who fyi was who rishi was stood up at conference with when he said about the vouchers. If you look on CSJ website data tracking the last two graphs there show what they consider to be not profitable for these fat cats. CSJ is even better though because they link all the stay at home wives/husbands, retired people, disabled, home educated, long term sick in one big lump and better still they can make this data up because it's a private company with no scrutiny like national data statistics and as such can say what they like it gets used as a 'fact' in gov to back policy creation. Massive agenda to make us work to death and the top three parties are all in on it!

  • Banarama123
    Banarama123 Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    it won’t be targeting people with these kind of autoimmune conditions who can’t work. It’s for people with much lesser health conditions and who can’t work work but wont.

  • Littlefatfriend
    Littlefatfriend Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    This is the first time I've been pleased my disability prevents me from getting to my GP surgery!


  • cleoptra12
    cleoptra12 Online Community Member Posts: 43 Contributor

    Id love to work but have austio arthiritis copd hip navousa and suffer from severe back pain foot pain and have scoliosis. Mental health problems . So I would find a job hard and whose going to employ me done loads of courses in the past . Before being found unfit for work .

  • colejames
    colejames Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor

    I would be very surprised to see this working where I live. People have to call each day at 8am in the morning to try to get an appointment to see a doctor. Even if you are reasonably high in the queue say 20, you may not get an appointment.

    I called up having had a really bad breathing issue in the night where I had had to use panic attack methods to get breathing normal and once it was under control, I called 111. both of us agreed that I did not need emergency treatment as I had managed to get everything under control but they said to call my doctor and ensure I got to see a doctor that day.

    I didn't go back to sleep so I would be on the call at 8am, but when I got through the queuing system there were no appointments available. I told them what 111 had said and my surgeries response was that I should go to A&E. I did go to A&E and was there for about five hours and was treated very well and submitted to tests and xrays which showed that I had a chest infection and I was prescribed antibiotics. They were all surprised that a surgery would refer a patient in this way.

    MY GPs policy has been put in place because of patient no shows for booked appointments but instead of warning patients who abuse the system, they are making it nigh on impossible for lots of people to see their GP and giving the completely wrong impression of how patients should interact with the NHS. The only advance appointments available is for in person patients who book an appointment on their way out with the GPs approval. If you are having a phone interview it is virtually impossible to get a follow up meeting. My prescription was increased to over the NIC recommended maximum level and was supposed to have follow on appointments to assess how the medication is working and what else needs to be considered either for improvement, keeping balanced or still declining. I've yet to be able to get an appointment and, even though my GP has been the person saying that the appointments are necessary to monitor for any side effects etc, I try to get in the queue at 8am but so far have not been able to have a meeting since I have been on the new levels of prescription.

    Fo those reasons, I would be surprised at how beneficial such a post would be as well as what the costs involved would be considering the low percentages of fraud within our community.

    I really can't see it working where I am and I would hope that the responses following the trail will ensure that the proceedures have to rely on applicable UK, EU employment law, human right and employment rights criteria rather than use it as a reason to ever tighten benefits to uneconomic individuals.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 2,783 Championing

    Same as talking therapies for 6 sessions she was talking about painting but phone down made me feel worse

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 231 Empowering

    They did a survey of GPs in our area a while back and ours came out pretty well in the survey but the call at 8am (or 8.30) thing is still pretty prevalent here. Most of the time you can get an appointment if you join that queue but our GP serve around 13000 people and have had to cut back their catchment area to cope with the demand. Meanwhile more building is planned but no new medical infrastructure.

    I think there's a lot more that needs to be planned out in any changes, more than just focusing on benefit claimants but if you actually want to make people more healthy then easy access to free medical treatment is essential. They're closing A&E departments across the country or moving services miles away where people's lives are potentially going to be put in danger. GPs can't always see their patients and the whole thing is a mess.

    I don't really believe most of the GP appointments are just arranged for signing fit notes, either.

    I am not sure what the work coaches would do in a GP centre. Would they be voluntary drop in? Would they be interfering in appointments (what about data protection and privacy?) I don't really understand how that would work.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 1,943 Championing

    I read this. I don't see a problem because you as the patient choose to engage. It's about offering help.

    I try to think positively and feel I have something to offer the country, albeit voluntary when health allows.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I agree @whistles we need to be sure we're not confusing "forcing" with "offering help" as the two are very different. It does sound more like they're saying there will be work coaches there if people choose to engage, which could be a positive thing for so many people if handled correctly.