Pip decision after assessment

mazza223 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

hi I had my pip phone assessment 6 days ago on Friday 5th November 2024 , im really stressed and anxious about how long the wait time could be for a decision as I first applied on 16th august 2024 so around 4 months ago now is there any timescale of how much longer it will all take till I get a decision as I’ve heard 20 weeks and that would be around 3 weeks from now for me is that sound about right? Thanks


  • Dragonfly79
    Dragonfly79 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor

    Seems to be variable as to how long you have to wait..I think now its about 8 to 12 weeks,I did my partners claim a while ago and they put the phone interview back twice due to shortage of health professionals.

    Someone on the forum probably knows accurate current times,..try not to be too anxious and also make sure you have plenty of support and visit the forum here to keep in touch.

    Hope you hear from them soon and it goes well.

  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor

    Hi Mazza223, like you and many others I have the same problem with this process it gives me anxiety. There is no definitive answer to your question. It’s quite erratic to how soon or how long we may have to wait for our results. I sent my renewal off in March 24 and this week I got a text to say they have now made their decision and I should receive the letter in the next two weeks. I don’t think these people realise how this process creates such anxiety or they just don’t care. I don’t know why they just cannot say in that text the decision or go to a link and a copy of your letter will be accessible; no that would be to hard for them.

    Hopefully you want have to wait to long, try not to stress yourself I know that’s easier said than done but look after your wellbeing 💕

  • madmax24
    madmax24 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi ,I hope this helps, I did my form April, got a reply to say I would have a telephone consultation in the June, the it took 3 weeks for them to make the decision, now I got to know the decision as I was at wits end and I phone ,on the phone they tell you your next payment and how much ,that's when I new I had the higher rate...you don't need to talk to them ,it just tells you how much they shall pay you.I hope that makes sense. Good luck

  • Danlangridge88
    Danlangridge88 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 66 Contributor

    Hi. 6 days isn't a long wait at all... you could be waiting months!!

  • Danlangridge88
    Danlangridge88 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 66 Contributor

    That must be so stressful. I remember for ESA, they cancelled my first face to face appointment. They didn't have my claim form (don't know why they offered me an assessment if they didn't have it) and the second time I was about 10 mins late and they refused to see me (even tho they were running like an hour behind, so it wouldnt have made any difference) and it was traffic, not my fault, although I guess I should've checked and left earlier, although, I find it difficult to make things on time


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Timescales once the assessment report is returned is anything up to about 12 weeks. Some wait less time and others longer.

  • signet
    signet Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    There's a back log mine took about 7 months

  • curiousspin
    curiousspin Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    Hi 👋🏻 I have been waiting over a year now. From what I hear pip claims that could and should be very straight forward and awarded are still refused with lie after lie believe it or not it doesn't make sence but it's facts. I hope your dealt with in a timely honest way

  • DaveDee
    DaveDee Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Had a PIP phone appeal hearing on 1st Oct '24, decision given next day by letter giving insufficient points awarded for payment of benefit.

    Put in a request for 'Statement of Reasons' and STILL waiting to hear from them, with no indication of how long have to wait.

  • signet
    signet Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Iff your entitled to this money don't stop fighting I took mine to upper tribunal have you got a welfare officer

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,177 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Sorry to hear you've been denied PIP @DaveDee, have you had any help with your appeals? If you've already been to tribunal level, a local benefits advisor might be able to see if you've got a case to go to the Upper Tribunal. Hope you receive your statement of reasons through soon.