Migration from ESA to UC

PolaBear Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
edited December 19 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi everyone

Has been a long time since using this and thought it would be better to just write it out as a fresh post than look at previous posts and forums and websites as there is a load of conflicting information.

Like the title says, a few weeks ago got a letter about moving from ESA (support group) to UC. Have already been affected and things heightened by the past few months news talk of “reforms and changes”, and so this has shook things a bit with me. Know that it will have to be done though, so wanted to ask a few things.

First thing that hits is the idea that this will bring on a reassessment. Is a thought that never actually leaves you no matter how long it has been, and is always more shaky around the time of year that the last one was. In the previous assessment, the assessor left a note to “leave alone”, but still doesn’t fully make you feel secure. Having this letter now has bought all that back to the front and have gone back into a survival mode. Are the two related?

Second thing would be the part I have now heard about some kind of commitment meeting.. Have heard different things from being able to show that you are in the support group so there shouldn’t be one, to having it over the phone, to literally having to go to a jobcentre (would look to avoid this due to the affect on traits and being there). Before when I had assessments I had an advocate who was incredible and saw and heard how things were, and could also get through things, knowing the ins and outs, but she left years ago. Do have a support worker but they are far away. Have heard you can request a phone call, but then heard loads of different things. What is the situation with this? The idea of portals and accounts and commitments is the kind of thing that causes things to get heavy even before this. Even writing is now is making things heavy.

The whole thing right now has things spinning, the only time there has been any quality of life has been by being away from these kind of situations and environments, things are always fragile and you never forget that. Even before this with all news talk and government ideas things were shaky, this has now gone into the same concern and “one track” thinking that was there a while ago.

Another thing to ask would be how long it takes to process, as in from when you fill in the online application? Are there letters or contacts? Or can it really be just filling it in and it moves over? Do things get delayed when it comes to payments, or can you stay with it being every fortnight?

Thanks for any help with this, appreciate thoughts anyone who has gone through it



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    Once you submit a claim for UC your Income Related ESA and housing benefit, if you claim that will stop 2 weeks later.

    If any part of your ESA is contributions based this will continue at a rate of £276.40/fortnight. This will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement at £598.86/month. It looks more than what you receive but ESA is a weekly benefit and UC is monthly. To work out the monthly amount you times the weekly amount by 52 and then divide by 12.

    You will not need another assessment when you migrate across but this doesn't mean you'll never need another in the future. Most people are reviewed at some point.

    UC have recently updated the system to detect when someone claiming ESA migrates across so you shouldn't be asked for fit notes and your claim should be updated fairly quickly to include the LCWRA element. (same as support group)

    Once you claim UC your first payment will be about 5 weeks later. This payment will be for 1 months money. Due to the run on of your Income Related ESA the wait will be about 3 weeks without money.

    Once your claim is submitted if this has been done online you will have access to a journal. In that journal you'll receive statements every month telling you what your payment will be. This will include all elements you're entitled to and what deductions they maybe. Any letters they send you will be uploaded onto this and you will not receive any letters in the post.

    You can ask for an advance payment but this will need to be repaid back and your future UC payments will be reduced until it's paid back.

    You maybe asked to attend your very first appointment at your local job centre. If you're unable to do that you can ask for a telephone appointment. Your commitments can be accepted through your journal.

    Citizens Advice have a help to claim phone number if you need support to claim.


  • PolaBear
    PolaBear Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

    Thanks for all of this 🙏

    If you apply over the phone rather than online does this avoid having to have a portal and messages?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    You're welcome. Yes it does. Many people find the journal much easier but of course that's individual preference.

  • PolaBear
    PolaBear Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

    OK thanks

    Does Over the phone also mean there doesn’t have to be a situation where you have to go to the job centre? As that is another concern.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    You may still be asked to attend your first appointment in person. However, as I advised if you’re unable to attend you can ask for a telephone appointment.

  • PolaBear
    PolaBear Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

    Decided to call CAB for information and maybe to use someone to be there when calling to apply to migrate (had read on here some have done that). The call really wasn’t good. Person seemed erratic and was going on about how they deal with this all day and misinformation, answered everything within”hear what you are saying” and was tied to procedure. Ended up having to cut the call as it was getting to be so many different answers to anything that was asked, there was no reassurance or certainty and even basic questions on timing of application was “well we would have to ask you many questions here about your finances and other things”.

    One of the biggest concerns with things like this situation and reassessments etc is how much of it hangs on getting someone ok to get things across to. It was also this way when speaking to medical people years ago. Had an advocate that carried me through an assessment and reassessment years ago, listened and knew the ins and outs, but she isn’t there any more. So now am in a situation where have heard so many different responses to different questions that it’s more shaky than before. Things range from being able to do it all online, to this guy saying you could be called into the JC twice, Asked about a phone application instead of online, and was told this was just for people who can’t use a computer, and straight away started asking if can I get online or use a keyboard. This wasn’t why I was asking.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    I’m sorry to hear you didn’t find them helpful. I disagree about the advice you had with telephone claims. It’s not only for those that can’t use a computer! If you prefer not to have a journal then claim by phone, that will be fine.

    When is it best to claim? Well that will depends whether your ESA includes SDP or not? And your bills, do you pay any of those by direct debit? If so it depends what date each month you pay them.

    Your ESA continues for 2 weeks so it’s about 3 weeks without money. Unless you ask for an advance payment.

    As for reviews of the work capability assessment the same rules apply for LCWRA as they do for Support Group. Both are ongoing awards and payments continue until a new decision says otherwise. No one can predict when your next review will be whether you claim UC now or wait until towards the date in the letter.

  • PolaBear
    PolaBear Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected


    It just wasn’t a help, tone want great, seemed erratic and nothing really got answered. Their response to asking about a phone application was to say you would still have a portal account, and they would keep contacting you by text instead, and you would have to call a call centre each time. Said that was away from being contacted but was just told it was a different system and they could contact and want to you to come in, and there are statements every month you have to check and you must check them and “procedure”.

    It was a bad call, and as said gets you wondering about others. Before at least had the thought there was an advocate that understood and had seen the effects. Now have had the whole spectrum from “just request a online correspondence” to “well you may have to go in to them a load of times”.

    ESA btw is support group (income related?) with the added payment, haven’t heard of SDP. The concern over a reassessment is always there, especially around this time of year, and although don’t look online too much, things were heightened with all this government talk of “changes”. It’s survival mode right now.