Will caring for my husband affect the process of applying for LCWRA?

lillyB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited December 21 in Benefits and income


My husband receives LCWRA ( he was in support group ESA) only no PIP , I receive PIP enhanced rate daily living and mobility. I submitted two fit notes so far , and i want to know if I change the circumstance in my journal that I care for my husband for 35 hours a week . Would this affect the process to apply for LCWRA assessment? I know it would be only one payment of LCWRA , I’m applying because i struggling myself with health conditions.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,457 Championing


    I'm afraid you won't be eligible for the Carers Element if your husband doesn't claim PIP.

    To answer the question though, if you were his carer, then you would automatically have work requirements removed, and no longer have to go through the LCWRA process.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    You can continue with the work capability assessment and if found to have LCWRA you can receive payment for that, while your husband receives carers element for looking after you. Assuming no one else claims either that or carers allowance for looking after him. This way your maximum UC entitlement will then increase by £198.31/month.

  • lillyB
    lillyB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    thank you for your reply.
    is that mean that if found to have LCWRA then i can switch with my husband and he would be my carer ( because i have PIP) and I’m the one who gets paid the LCWRA ( because he can’t have LCWRA and care element at the same time) ,please correct me if I get it wrong. TIA

  • lillyB
    lillyB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Thank you for reply .

    I have been wrongly advised to apply a carer for him even he does not got PIP .

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    The rules are that the same person can’t receive both LCWRA and carers element. Only 1 person can receive payment for the LCWRA element per claim as you correctly said.

    There are no rules against 1 person claiming each element even if both have been found to have LCWRA.

    In your situation now, who ever advised that you could claim carers element are incorrect because your partner doesn’t claim a qualifying disability benefit.

  • lillyB
    lillyB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    so if i will award LCRWA can i ask the UC to switch the payment from my husband name(because he’s receiving the LCWRA now) to my name ? And i make a change through the UC account that he is caring for me? Do i have to do it like this ? Sorry I’m asking about the process because I don’t want to do any mistake that make us worse off . TIA

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 541 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    @lillyB, your husband could report being your carer now and he would continue to be paid LCWRA. If you are awarded LCWRA, the UC system will change it so yours would be in payment and he would receive the carer element. You can also wait until you have the outcome of your WCA and if awarded LCWRA, report him as your carer at that point. You should not need to ask them to change the LCWRA payment as the system automatically calculates and pays the highest combination in a claim.

  • lillyB
    lillyB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener