Action against landlords with no proof

Eloise_H96 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

Hi! Is it possible to take action against discriminatory and exploitative behaviour by my letting agents if I have no proof?

My situation is that my letting agents pressured me to move out months earlier than my lease ended, and lied about accessibility just to get me out.

They said I had to move out as soon as possible and they'd already begun building work before I moved out. They'd said they'd found a property available that would be wheelchair accessible and they'd match my current rent. It turned out not to be at all accessible, but they said I could keep me wheelchair in the communal hallway (I have different aids inside) for the duration of my tenancy. It wasn't blocking anyone's way, wasn't an obstruction for fire, and I'd checked with them it was definitely not going to be a problem.

They just said all this to get me to move out faster, so they could finalise the sale of my previous building. They came round a few weeks into my tenancy and told me it can't stay in the hall, and if it does they can legally remove it and charge me for the removal! They said it was a fire risk, but not long after, the communal fire alarm went of for four days straight, and some other time later it turned out the fire alarms in my flat had not been maintained - one was faulty and the other completely dead.

They also refused to loosen or change heavy, stiff or dangerously fast self-slamming doors in the flat, claiming it was fire safety and all fire doors are like that, when in reality they are just poorly maintained and just needed adjusting - even non disabled, strong people were struggling with them. I sorted that out by asking a contractor they sent for another issue to fix it.

I've been living here 6 months because I had to go through the process of seeing if the flat can be made accessible, but it can't, and moving the first time when I wasn't ready seriously impacted my health. So I'm stuck in an inaccessible building and I can't get out in my wheelchair unless someone lifts it out 3 doorways for me (I live alone and only have help a few times a week). It also cost a lot to move and now I'll have to move again, but it's so hard to find anywhere suitable short notice anyway.

I want to take action against them, I don't want this happening to more people, but they wouldn't give me anything in writing. When I emailed to get confirmation, they simply didn't reply.

They also overcharged me by £500 for my first month's rent, which I later got back after contacting them, but I was not mentally capable of noticing this when it first happened as I was too ill from the move. I suspect this wasn't an accident.

Does anyone have any advice on how to approach this issue? I know I should only get things in writing in future tenancies, but with new landlords I find if I tell them disabled all the viewings or applications mysteriously disappear.



  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,204 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Eloise_H96 I hope you're ok? I'm in no way a legal expert, but I think you'll struggle to progress without any proof. Is there any pictures you can take or any written documentation from your letting agents that you can gather?

    I've added a link below that I think might be helpful to you. It gives some great information about the laws and regulations, and links to organisations such as Citizens advice for support and raising a complaint.

    Disability discrimination in rented housing | Disability charity Scope UK

    I hope this is helpful. Please keep us updated if you're comfortable to do so, and let us know if you need anything more.

    All the best,
