I Have Diverticulitis and IBS

MPurple Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

What’s the best thing to drink as I can’t drink tea as it upset my stomach as does fizzy drinks and squash.


  • MPurple
    MPurple Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
  • Loobylou22
    Loobylou22 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

    hi. What about nice flavoured water or the non fizzy lucozade. Can you tolerate flavoured tea or non tea herbal tea. There are some lovely flavours now and can be drunk hot or cold.

  • HappyDays62
    HappyDays62 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Empowering

    I drink peppermint 'tea' as it is really good for stomach problems. It's caffeine-free, so it won't upset your stomach. Alternatives are crushed mint leaves or lemon peel slices (much cheaper than branded lemon tea). Just add hot water to both. My husband also drinks ginger 'tea', which is slices of ginger in hot water. Anyway, the basic point is to use whatever you like in terms of fruit and herbs and add hot water.

  • MPurple
    MPurple Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thank you

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,435 Championing

    the best the is to drink water I know it tastes horrible but it's the best for you it helps make you feel fuller, helps with the digestion system, keeps you hydrated and helps your skin

  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 56 Contributor

    I’m very sorry but with Diverticular disease and IBS diets are trial and error, what you maybe able to tolerate the next sufferer with the same conditions as yourself may not be and visa versa. I think as some one said above it usually does amount to water cold or hot. You could try putting fresh fruit in to give the water a hint of a taste. However if you also suffer with acid reflux which is often the case with bowel conditions, it may irritate the acid reflux, sorry could not be more helpful.

  • MPurple
    MPurple Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thank you

  • figraspberry41
    figraspberry41 Scope Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    HI MPurple,

    All of the above are excellent suggestions. I have IBS myself, although, I do drink de-caffeinated tea and coffee. The herbal and no tea fruit drinks are very good. You mentioned that you do not like fizzy drinks (neither do I much), however, coke that you leave to go flat can be quite soothing and not less likely to cause a problem. It's important to drink it flat, we used to suggest it to patients (when I was working) to enable them to manage their symptoms. As with everything else unfortunately it is a question of trial and error to find the drinks that you can tolerate. Hot Ribena (or similar) can be quite pleasant. I used to be given this as a child when unwell, for some reason it was quite comforting. You might like to try hot Oxo or similar beef drink instead of just having it for gravy but probably not the instant gravy granules! Again, we were given this as children when we were unwell and especially if not eating. Not that I'm suggesting you aren't eating but it can be nice to drink as a drink (like Bovril). You may have to consider the salt content though if you have a problem with raised Blood Pressure. I hope you can find suitable drinks that you can tolerate hot as cold drinks in cold weather always make me feel even colder! Good luck with the trails.

  • noman
    noman Online Community Member Posts: 1,786 Trailblazing

    I've had IBS for 2 years now and I have cut this out cut that out tried this tried that to the point it was making me even more depressed than what I already am!

    I now just eat and drink anything and everything and put up with the cramps/pain etc.