Moving from ESA to UC sever disability premium

TinaW60 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
edited January 11 in Universal Credit (UC)

My son gets enhanced PIP daily living and mobility. He gets ESA as he is not fit for work, within that he gets Severe Disability Premium, which I believe is like carers allowance for people who don't have a carer claiming for them.

He has had a letter saying that he must change to Universal Credit. I've been told that when he changes, the Severe Disability Premium will stop (maybe after a transition period?) I can't find a simple, straightforward answer. Will he be worse off on UC because of the loss of SDP or will it be replaced by something else? I'd be grateful for any help or advice, thank you.



  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing
    edited January 8

    SDP isn't payable under UC, after claiming he'll receive one more payment of ESA then that ends.

    He won't be worse off on UC, another element called Transitional Protection will be added to his payment so his money won't go down.

    TP is designed so at the point of transfer he won't be worse off compared to legacy benefits.

    This does erode over time as other elements go up or new elements are added to the claim.

    How long it takes to erode completely differs, but eventually two people both transferred from ESA, one with SDP one without, will be on the same money.

    A great example of TP is here

  • TinaW60
    TinaW60 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected

    Thank you Kimmy, I really appreciate that. I read the article you recommended but if you have time and inclination, please indulge me by talking to me as if I'm 5 years old because that is how my brain seems to be working these days.

    Just to be absolutely clear, even when the transitional protection ends, he won't be on less money because it only ends when other money increases? So he will not be any worse off on UC, even in the future (unless they change the rules drastically)?

    It's just that he is very worried and I'd like to be able to tell him, he won't be worse off, if possible. Sorry to go on about it, we both just find it a bit difficult to grasp.

    Thanks again.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,450 Championing

    These are made up figures obviously.

    Legacy Benefits £750

    UC Entitlement £500 + £250 TP

    Year 2 with UC annual rise £550 +200 TP

    Year 5 with UC annual rise £750 + £0 TP

    Year 6 with UC annual rise £800

  • TinaW60
    TinaW60 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected

    Thank you so much, very much appreciated.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,633 Championing

    How do people understand this ? I don't understand any of it it's awful