No photo ID for UC Terrified!!!

bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
edited January 12 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi all, I have recently been forced to migrate from ESA to UC, I have paranoid Schizophrenia and can't really care for my self well. I have no photo id for my jobcentre appointment and I'm terrified I am gonna get denied and end up evicted because I cannot pay my rent. Help! I feel like just cancelling my claim and living off my PIP. I'm so scared!!!!



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,953 Championing

    You can ask for a biographical phone call, they will ask questions about your personal details etc that only you know the answers to.

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Ive been told by my journal a biographical call is not a replacement for photo id since all claimants receive one before or after attending the standard ID check even if they supply the correct ID. I have been told to cancel my claim.

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    I don't do phonecalls unless I know who the call is coming from which the DWP do not do, I requested a jobcentre appointment specifically for that reason because I know they are DWP staff and not MI5 or undercover police. System is a farce to weed out the most vulnerable and therefore expensive claimants. How would homeless people get UC. Impossible.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,319 Championing
    edited January 12

    Hi benny and welcome to the Scope forum.

    Do you have an expired passport, driver's licence or bus pass?

    They are accepted so long as you haven't grown horns or drastically changed your appearance. If not, find a photo booth and provide them with a passport photo. Of course you should not cancel your claim. What are they thinking? 😑

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    That's not correct and it's definitely possible to have a biographical phone call, many people have had them. I had one when I claimed UC on behalf of my daughter.

    Who told you to cancel your claim?

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    The agent I spoke to on the journal told me to cancel my claim....Do I still need to attend the Jobcentre with the documents I have, can I have the biological check done at the Jobcentre as I would prefer that or does it have to be over the phone.

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Biograhical check I meant....

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,319 Championing

    Attend the appointment. Don't give them a reason to cancel your claim.

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Im annoyed because I have loads of utility bills, 3 different bank accounts, tenancy agreement, bank cards, council tax etc but without that photo id it is all for nothing. Someone one on Reddit claimed you could use 3 forms of nonphoto id instead of 2 instead. I have not seen any mention of that on the DWP site or elsewhere.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    Other forms of ID can be used if you don't have photo ID. They can also do biographical appointments face to face and you would be asked questions only you know the answer to, such as date of birth, full address, what benefits you claim etc etc.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,649 Championing

    It appears that they have now changed the 3 forms of non-photo ID rule. That is the way I had to do it around 6 months ago but is no longer listed on the .gov website.

    There will be a way for you to confirm ID though. It's shocking that a UC advisor suggested you close the claim!

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Thats what is annoying because I have about 6 pieces of non photo ID but likely can't use any of it. Is there any point attending the standard ID appointment if they are gonna claim it is insufficient, I've requested a biographical test but as I've already been told to close my claim I don't know what else to do. I have been crying for 2 days straight. Getting a passport or license in the next few weeks ( especially without already having photo ID to speed up the process) is impossible.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,953 Championing

    Ignore the agent and go to your appointment.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing

    You don't need to apply for a passport or driving license to be able to claim UC. Please read both of these comments again.

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Whats worst is my girlfriend is in the same exact position except she has a voter certificate which she's been told she can't use, she also been told to attend a standard ID check

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    My advisor on the journal is telling me to close my claim.…they say "biographical checks are no longer used for the purposes of verifying identity in cases of insufficient ID since the recent more stringent changes to ID requirements, in order to crack down on fraud"

    Basically they have toughened up the rules in the last few months.

  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected


  • bennyben
    bennyben Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Funny they are toughening up the rules at the same time that hundreds of thousands of ESA claimants with disabilities will be migrating, some likely without ID. Saves quite a lot of cash.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,953 Championing
    edited January 12

    UC staff via Journal and on the phone have been known to give out incorrect advice, dare I say often.

    They are little more than call centre staff and don't know the ins and outs of the system with what appears to be insufficient training.

    Attend your appointment as planned and you'll soon find out who was wrong, them or us.

  • MadCow1
    MadCow1 Online Community Member Posts: 421 Empowering

    Hi bennyben,

    My brother, just in the last month,has migrated to UC from ESA. He also had no form of photo ID & he got a biographical ID check over the phone & he had no problem whatsoever, his claim went through without any hassle.

    I hope this helps.