Housing benefit application timing & evidence

Jinster_2 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener


I'm approaching 70 and planning to (finally) stop working in the next couple of months. I'm self employed with a low income but that income (plus my pension which I'm already taking) keeps me just above the benefits threshold. I've completed some online benefits calculators to work out what I can get when I stop working, and these show I'll be entitled to some housing benefit and council tax benefit

My question is about the housing benefit/CTB application process, and how I provide evidence of (lack of) income. Obviously I still have some self employment income at the moment so I'm worried if I apply when I stop working, my bank statements will still show evidence of income which will mean my claim is rejected. Do I have to show evidence of no income for a period of time before I can claim? I can't really afford to be without that income and any benefits for more than a few weeks as I'm still paying for my housing costs and have no savings.

Should I be applying in advance of stopping work to try to get agreeement to start the benefits payment from when I actually do stop working? If so, how do I provide the correct evidence for (future) lack of income in that application?

I've tried speaking to Citizens Advice and even to my local council housing benefit office but they didn't seem to know the answer!

I hope that makes sense and appreciate any advice!



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,867 Championing

    In your application it will ask for current income & work status. You are legally bound to provide correct information and by submitting the application be declaring everything is accurate.

    Yes they will see past income on bank statements, but that doesn't mean they will turn you down or that you will have to wait until it's clearer (from statements) that you are no longer working.

  • Jinster_2
    Jinster_2 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    @Kimmy87 Many thanks for your reply. I assume from this that your recommendation would be to wait until I have stopped earning before making my application, so I can declare at that point I am not earning. Do you have any idea how long the claim might take to process, as I'm worried if this takes more than a few weeks I will run out of money! Also, is there any other evidence I can provide to support my claim that I have just stopped self-employment, so that the council don't reject my application? Thanks!

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,867 Championing

    Unfortunately I don't have any answers as to time frame, this would be entirely down to workload of your local councils HB office.

    As I already advised when you apply you are expected to give truthful and accurate information. This declaration should be enough.

    You could pay a reduced rent (and let your landlord know why) while waiting for the application to be processed. The award will be backdated to date of application and you can look at paying off any arrears after everything is in place.