Unable to work due to mental health/trauma

crossstitchkit Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited January 15 in Work

Hi all. I've been signed off sick from work August-October last year following a traumatic incident at work. I shouldn't have been put in that position but that's another issue altogether. I've been unable to return to work after the Christmas holidays, and work before then wasn't getting easier. My anxiety is unmanageable, and I have little to no motivation to have a shower and wash my hair. I find it hard to even leave the house because my anxiety skyrockets and even propranolol isn't taking the edge off. I'm worried I'm going to lose my job and not be able to afford my mortgage and bills. I'm worried that I'm not well enough for work and not be able to get any benefits to support me through this. I've already been waiting since August for counselling and still have months to go, in the meantime I'm just getting sicker and sicker. Any advice?



  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 897 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @crossstitchkit I'm so sorry to read about your experience last year, and the continued impact. As an anxiety sufferer, I can completely empathise with what you're describing.

    How have work reacted with you not returning? If you're not ready, you're not ready and that's ok. The most important thing is that you look after your core needs and focus on being ok. Have you spoken to work about extending your time away? Hopefully, if you can agree a period of time with them it can put your mind at ease, at least for a period of time.

    Also, have you had an occupational health review? They can be really helpful in advising employers how best they can support your needs. And when you are in a position to go back to work, they'll work with you and your work to put some steps together to transition - maybe gradually at a pace that suits you.

    I'd definitely recommend you speak with your GP if you're feeling really anxious and your tablets aren't taking the edge off. They might be able to look at other options. Do you have family and friends that you can talk to (if you're feeling up to it of course).

    Only you know what's best for you and when it's right to go back to work, if it is. The main thing is that you're ok.
