Scottish couple

Catherine21 Posts: 3,531 Championing

A couple are taking uk to court tomorrow over winter fuel payments could be seen as unlaw what a tremendously brave couple pls let them win and show this government they can't get away with harming the citizens of this country


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,531 Championing

    Do we have any rights if the change WCA PIP ...As you know my level of understanding on politics limited but learning through this group is there anything we can do as a community it's like waiting for a hurricane they been breaking all equity act even filtering hate through media now can understand how refugees feel it's horrendous when you actually sit back and observe as I wrote in previous post Scottish couple in court today over winter fuel GOOD I hope they win I hope ellen clifford makes a dent what can we do ???

  • egister
    egister Posts: 615 Empowering


    On the Internet you can only express your rejection in various words and expressions.