What the point

Sammy19_19 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

When asleep dream of a fairytale but reality wake up , I spinal cord injured C6/7 complete I try to be a less burden but currently a lot going on I have to migrate over to uni I hate and don't cope with change and Wednesday 15th January 2025 attend a&e always feel invisible people knocking or asking you to move or you have to feel like you don't matter . See the triage what wrong with you explain the words come out of her mouth we have no hoist and don't have staff so the rushed every thing and problem has been left ,

I now stay in 24/7 or refuse go out as I feel like I'm a problem to society


  • Elizabeth100
    Elizabeth100 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Contributor

    Hi Sammie, it sounds like things are really hard for you and I'm sorry it has got to this point.

    Perhaps you could ask a GP for a referral to what is referred to as Social Prescribing.

    This is a system that might be able to help you get what you need. Take care, E xx

  • Elizabeth100
    Elizabeth100 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Contributor

    Sincere apologies for spelling your name incorrectly Sammy, E xx

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 873 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Sammy19_19 I'm so sorry to read you've been made to feel rushed and ignored. That's not ok. Do you have any care/support at the moment?

    Best wishes,


  • Sammy19_19
    Sammy19_19 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    Nope just me on own and mum

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 873 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Sammy19_19. It's nice you've got your mum as a support. I know I'd be lost without mine.

    I don't know your day to day so sorry if I'm barking up the wrong tree so to speak. Just wondering if it would be helpful to have a care assessment to see if there's some additional support you can receive. It can result in home changes, and even accessibility for day centres/lunch clubs if you wanted to get out a bit?

    I've added a link below which I hope will be helpful.

    Getting a care needs assessment - Social care and support guide - NHS

    Best wishes,


  • TomZee
    TomZee Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    I have not experienced C6/C7 injuries and the impact on you. You do have a lot of change to handle. Uni has one advantage: the counselling and disability support services. It helped me.

    I have felt down too btw.

    A&E can be nuts btw - everyone, myself included, gets left hanging around for hours. Different reasons.

    I find being ignored at queues when I cannot stand up for that long and I hated going out on my mobility scooter at first. Sometimes I cannot get my head around losing mobility and not having arms I can fully rely upon. It is almost surreal. I am adapting and adjusting now though. There are still things I can do - and better than others.