Lost confidence

putter218 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 9 Connected

In recent years I've lost confidence and keep feeling the need to feel safe. Most people would see that they need to change because of financial issues etc. I'm Just so afraid to do that. I've been bullied in the past so it just stops me from moving forward.


  • Jellihead
    Jellihead Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering


    Hi I too feel the same and it varies from day to day, week to week. I think a lot has to do with what is happening outside of our control? War, sewage, technology, price increases ………. the list goes on and on.

    The way I cope with it is to remember that I can only keep myself and my daughter safe, as that is something that I can control, most of the time. I can decide what I eat, how much we spend on heating, what clothes I wear, whether I want to go to the gym or not, etc. There are many things that we can control ………..some might say too many. I find life easier if I keep a diary and make a note of what I need to do that day and if I achieved it I cross it out, or if not it gets moved to the next day.

    Also I do not EVER watch the news or read anything in newspapers or online that I know from the headline will upset me or make me anxious.

    Hope this helps.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,047 Championing

    I'm the same kept my world small I stay in my room literally blocked outside world I'm realistic now I know if I had to engage in the world I would maybe last few days and I would have to retreat I have no desire but when I was younger I desperately wanted to be kind to yourself slow and steady wins the race don't overload your mind talking about it helps realising alot of people feel the same we are always here if you want to talk

  • sarahw85
    sarahw85 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    im going through the same. I’ve always had low confidence before my stroke then after hospital etc really took it out on me especially when I soon discovered I couldn’t keep up with my friends or be the spontaneous person I used to be .. I hate planning everything and no longer can hop in my car and go to Asda at 10pm for munchies .. one I Dont have a car any more and I’m going to have to regain confidence driving again .

    It’s been a massive set back and I’ve not told everyone either in hopes I can blend in later in life .

    massively in denial? Yes .. I think and what is helping me is space. Oh and anti depressants lol .

    think about if there is anything you wanted to study or do? This might help u build ur confidence and u speak to likeminded people who don’t make u feel like **** for learning later in life

  • Stickman
    Stickman Online Community Member Posts: 143 Empowering
    edited January 16

    You can't really afford to do that, you'll end up lonely and isolated, just go for it, but it has to come from you - nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 731 Championing
  • sarahw85
    sarahw85 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    give your self some grace .. you’re trying .. and you’re aware of what the issue is deep down . What helps me is talking 9pm forums etc following users with similar disabilities and talking to them ( they are the only ones who get it )

    as for financial are you receiving all that ur entitled to ?

    As for a bad financial situation I had a poor credit score below 300 and loqbox helped me save and get me back to 700 within a year which has helped me massively. I also called/ emailed all my debt companies and arranged payment plans with them .. they had no choice but to accept its better than getting nothing .

    After a colossal couple of years with constant bad news .. bereavements and illnesses I kind of stopped in time but lying in a hospital bed drowning in debt .

    I chose my health and my now 3 year old over everything else .
    There is light at the end of the tunnel dint let what those bullies called you affect your self worth now you got this !

    looking back I made the right decision now.

  • sarahw85
    sarahw85 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Connected

    • Talking in forums I mean