DWP investigation

smokey18 Scope Member Posts: 51 Contributor

@ Smokey 18- Hello community members - I am seeking advice from anyone who can offer me some guidance on where I could go next because I am at my wits end and my mental health cant take much more. I believe that the DWP have been watching /following me for sometime, even taking photos of me. I believe this has been going for over a year. I have contacted PIP and UC directly and asked if I am being investigated for something and they have wrote back and told me that I am not. However I have seen people taking photos of me, other than contacting the police and reporting it when I believe that I am being followed, I don't know what else to do. can anyone offer any suggestions or know of a good legal person / team or company that I can contact. PLEASE, I am desperate for peace of mind. I feel that 😒my life is currently on hold.


  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 686 Championing

    Hi Smokey. Why do you think you are being followed? You haven't done anything wrong so why would they?

  • Littlefatfriend
    Littlefatfriend Online Community Member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Hi Smokey

    Lots of people are getting either used to or frustrated by others taking photos of them, it's one of the consequences of smart phones.

    The social couldn't afford to have you followed and wouldn't waste the money if they could. That's just not what they do.

    I encourage you not to worry ever, it's pointless.

    Good luck


  • wendy1
    wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 111 Empowering
    edited January 18

    HI smokey18,

    Oh my goodness, you must be going crazy. I would be feeling the same way as you are.

    If you have the courage, I would approach the people you think are following and taking photos of you. If you could without them seeing you, I would try and take a photo of them or if their in a car, I would try and get the registration off the car.

    If you don't find anything out and still believe your being followed and photographed, I would call the police.

    I don't mean to scare you but it could be that they think you are someone else.

    A Ranald said, if you know you haven't done anything wrong try not to let them bother you. I hope you get on ok.

    Post again and let us know how you get on

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Are you sure they are actually taking photos of you and not something else? Are they using a phone or an actual camera? Lots of people take photos but it doesn't mean they are taking photos of you.

  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor

    Hi Smokey18, I’m very sorry you have been going through this, but unless you belong to one of those high profile criminal gangs Benefit investigators do not have the money or resources to watch individuals for a year. Also unless you have been defrauding the benefit system which I would guess not. Please stop being so hard on yourself as you will make yourself ill. (Be kind to yourself).

  • vicz
    vicz Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    hi smokey i think you a just worrying yourself sick over nothing they would just send you an appointment not follow you for a year i have a brother who suffers from bad mental health i would go and talk to your doctor hope this helps

  • Jane315STARX
    Jane315STARX Online Community Member Posts: 667 Empowering

    I very much doubt it either.Its so easy for us to absolutely convince ourselves that a fact is a fact.I can imagine myself doing exactly this.But please try not to stress because it's extremely unlikely in the scheme of things that they would be following you X.

  • sunnydays
    sunnydays Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor

    You poor thing but like the other posts it's definitely not the DWP. Do you feel pictures are being taken every time you are out? Have you got a friend or family member that could go out with you just for a bit. It may just settle how your feeling. I've had times when I've kind of felt the same things you are feeling. It's usually when I'm not feeling too great mentally. Do you have a health care professional you can talk to about this and how it's making you feel. Take care x

  • Doglover2
    Doglover2 Online Community Member Posts: 144 Empowering
    edited January 18

    @smokey18 Ah,well,here's a thing. I feel the same and I'll tell you why. Firstly,I v rarely leave my house, when I do it is ALWAYS in the company of my mum or sister.

    I don't walk anywhere as I've mobility issues, others things I won't go into that limits my time outside etc.

    I did a pip review (bear with me) two yrs ago that left me collapsed on the floor after the 90 odd min call. It was horrific, From that day I've been paranoid that they'd bugged my home, follow me when I'm out, watch my home, etc. Good luck on watching my house, they'll see nothing, no one comes or goes but mum and sis.

    So I hear you,and I get you.

    I've never been paranoid in my life until that review. I'm not saying you are paranoid at all btw. I feel all the talk the past while of cracking down on fraud etc has sunk deep with us even when we are going about or legitimate business.x

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,886 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey @smokey18 that sounds like a rough time for you. As others have said, it's highly unlikely the DWP would be following you, unless they had a very strong suspicion you were committing major fraud, which is usually reserved for the big organised gangs, so I'd try not to worry.

    As others have said, it's very easy these days to feel people are photographing you, due to everyone carrying a camera around in their phones, could it just be they were taking photos of things near you?

  • mikekewell
    mikekewell Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    I think you are concerning yourself unnecessarily as there are a few stages of investigation that need to be followed before they start stalking you there needs to be two people in the vehicle for a start and it wouldn't be made obvious so take the vehicle index number (registration) and report the incident to the police, informing them that you are being stalked. Also you need to note down dates and times of the incidents as the police will ask for this information but if you haven't received any notifications prior to this I would proceed down the stalking route.

  • smokey18
    smokey18 Scope Member Posts: 51 Contributor

    thank you so much. Having this platform to share has really helped me. Thanks again

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,855 Championing

    I get these thoughts the good thing is you called and they said No honestly when your mental health becomes fragile we can see and imagine all things I'd be so relieved they said no you have noting to worry about honestly

  • sunnydays
    sunnydays Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor

    I have been a victim of serious stalking causing serious alarm and distress. So bad so that the perpetrator was charged and pleaded guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court. I've since moved but never fully recovered from the things that happened and it's changed how I live my life. You must report it to the police asap. Give as much detail as you can.

  • smokey18
    smokey18 Scope Member Posts: 51 Contributor

    thank you so much for advice and for sharing your experience. I will definitely look to doing that and keep you informed of what happens. The again all of you who have responded to me. I really appreciate scopes online community especially being able to communicate my feelings to caring, supportive and understanding people 24/7. Thanks again

  • MCMikey
    MCMikey Online Community Member Posts: 17 Contributor

    As thought, and as others have intimated.

    People take pictures of all sorts of things these days, why because almost everyone's got to smartphone with the camera, but as or more importantly pictures are free, take as many as you want. I've seen people taking pictures of microwave meals at Tesco, the bread selection, the local pub (not particularly picturesque), road junctions and empty roads (prob something to do with car insurance). I know someone who takes pictures of postboxes (he 'collects' them) and mates who take pictures of empty benches (park benches) from around the country and share them on the mates WhatsApp group - why, because there's a particular bench that has a good view where they often go to have a beer and a chat for many evenings over the last 15 or more years.

    If you were in the vicinity of the above people taking photos, you may be inclined to think that they are pretending to take pictures of the above, whilst all the while you are their target whilst in fact people are weird and take pictures of all sorts of nonsense.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing
    edited January 19

    Hi smokey, I don't know your age but during the punk era, lots of people had their photos taken in public. There were no smart phones in those days!

    They could simply be photographic students and you may interest them. It could be your hair or clothes or height. Someone might be taking street shots to enter a competition. I would certainly get my phone out and point it if someone was bothering me.

    Glad you could share this worry of yours with the community and I hope it gets easier for you 🤗

  • smokey18
    smokey18 Scope Member Posts: 51 Contributor

    thank you