It's Red Squirrel Appreciation Day!

Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator

Yes folks it's time for yet another day of appreciation.  We've just had penguin appreciation day, now it's time to show some love to the humble red squirrel. 😁

Red squirrels used to be seen in many places across the UK, until the accidental introduction of the grey squirrel in the 1870 from North America.  Due to the greys being bigger, hungrier and unfortunately carrying some nasty diseases that the reds couldn't fight off, the reds numbers have been in decline. They can still be found in several places in the UK where their numbers are steadily growing.

Currently there an estimated 140,000 red squirrels in the UK, with 75% of them living in Scotland.

For a comparison, there's an estimated 2.5 million grey squirrels in the UK now. 

Some people may see the humble squirrel as a garden pest, always running off with the bird food. But they play a very important part in the live cycle of trees and plants, with silly squirrels forgetting about nuts they bury, which later turn into trees and other much needed vegetation.  Thank you for your service my squirrel friends. :) 

  But it's not all bad news for the red squirrel!  Numbers of red squirrels are going up more and more each year, with a vaccine for the dreaded 'squirrelpox' being in the works now too. So maybe one day, our little red friends will be in our gardens again? 

Do we have any other red squirrel fans here?
Have you ever seen a red squirrel in the flesh?

Let me know. :)


  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 776 Pioneering

    Yep, love squirrels, of any colour, @Albus_Scope. Years ago, I lived in France & there are only red squirrels there. Was fortunate enough to have our own garden pair plus with their dreys in the trees around us. Wonderful to watch, especially when they chased each other around the trees. Right beside where I sat, there was a hazlenut tree & that kept them very happy & it was just a few feet away. Don't think I can upload a video but I have some fuzzy photos of the cuties.

  • Starman
    Starman Online Community Member Posts: 662 Contributor

    I saw one the other day actually, first one i've seen for quite a while! Whereas i've seen quite a few grey ones……so it seems they are still winning the battle! 🐿️

  • Annie_Scope
    Annie_Scope Posts: 72 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    I haven't seen any red squirrels in years, but see plenty grey ones! My dog loves to chase them away 😂

    I always think red squirrels look quite cute, but I don't feel the same about grey ones! Maybe it's the colour and the fact they are so rare!

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 721 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Love this! The pictures are so adorable - aren't they cute. ☺️

  • bwlch1
    bwlch1 Scope Member Posts: 23 Connected

    My parents live in a forest on Anglesey. They are all over the place and visit the bird table on a regular basis.

  • Hopeless
    Hopeless Online Community Member Posts: 196 Empowering

    I’ve never seen a red squirrel 😢 but a grey one decided to build her nest under my solar panels a couple of years ago. She successfully raised 3 babies and chewed through numerous cables. The nest was removed and cables replaced once they’d left. I did try to point out to her that there’s a park at the end of the road with lots of trees…..

  • IndignantPigeon
    IndignantPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 119 Empowering

    Oh Albus, I just love red squirrels!! Haven't seen one for years and years. Can just about remember being a little kid in the 60s and saw one running up the tree trunk near where we lived (Oxfordshire). Absolutely the cutest creatures, straight out of childrens' story books. I think I used to half-believe they had homes in tree trunks with a main door in the trunk, kettle simmering inside, a big clock on the mantlepiece above a roaring fire etc etc… They hover between myth and reality. Would love to see them back in southern England, little chance with the greys around. When my cat was around, no grey would dare put a paw in the garden, he took them to be giant mice ; )

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,155 Championing

    Albus! Albus! You'll never guess what I watched last night..

    Two and a half minutes of RED SQUIRREL accompanied by trickles of water and birdsong and squirrel sailing through the air and being cute. It didn't have those gorgeous long tufts on its ears but who's complaining?

    Winterwatch 2025 started last night on BBC2 and I recommend it to everyone 💚 Mother Nature is our friend 💚 be good to yourself 💚