ESA to UC managed migration payments

DawnXT Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
edited January 22 in Universal Credit (UC)

so I was on income related ESA in the support group where i received both the disability guarantee payment (EDP) & severe disability premium (SDP)

(i received a migration notice and put a application in back just less then 2 weeks ago on my last ESA payment date)

since then I have just received the final 2 week payment of ESA which has both been paid early & is short compared to my usual amount by £34.36 in total, does this mean I'm now going to be worse off by £34.36 for each 2 weeks payment I receive on UC so nearly £70 each month?

I'm incredibly confused with this whole situation, thank you in advanced



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,667 Championing

    It's called a two week run on, but depending on dates a full two weeks isn't always owed.

    No you won't be worse off, your award at time of UC application will be used to calculate your TP.

    Not this last payment.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering
    edited January 22

    I do remember what I’ve been told on a previous thread by the fabulous Poppy, the final amount I receive from ESA (my run on payment) will depend on the payment cycle. But, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I’ll get the normal full amount for a full 2 weeks, £318.10.

    The date that run on amount gets paid should be 19 Feb.

    It would be better if it’s the full amount, every penny counts during the 5 week wait for that first payment.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering
    edited January 22

    My ESA only has the EDP, Dawn. If it was included, the SDP, my ESA entitlement would obviously be higher. I don’t get the SDP because my mum is my carer at home and she gets CA/Carer’s Allowance.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering
    edited January 22

    My claim is being submitted exactly 2 weeks today, the date 2 weeks from now will be 5th Feb 2025. But, unlike you Dawn, I’ll be doing a voluntary migration to UC. That’s because once I’m on Universal Credit AND my payments are what they should be, I’ll be financially better off compared to my ESA entitlement (£318.10). I’ll be getting my payments twice monthly, however, as I can’t budget. If I could budget monthly I would but I can’t.

    If I was getting the Severe Disability Premium I’d be having to wait for the migration letter to arrive at my home address in West Yorkshire.

    Those who get the SDP in their ESA would be worse off on Universal Credit without transitional protection/TP. That’s why I won’t have TP in my claim.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering

    A few weeks after my claim starts (5 Feb), I’ll be performing a check on my claim to see that it reflects LCRWA. In other words, I’m placed in that group. Claims do get an update eventually to reflect that a claimant was in the Support Group on ESA but I use a “better to be safe than sorry” approach. I’ll want to know that claim shows LCWRA status for piece of mind.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering
    edited January 22

    Also, on the day that my first statement is made at the end of my first assessment period (they’ll be 5th - 4th every month), I think it’ll be for the best that I run a check to find out that they’ve not c***ed up with my payments. I’ll want that assurance that nothing has gone wrong, that I’ll be getting paid what I should be paid and on the payment frequency that suits me best (twice monthly ❤️).

    You can’t ever to be too careful. You can feel a whole lot better in yourself when you know that NO aspect of your claim has gone wrong.

    My claim will be handed by telephone all the time Dawn, that’s because I won’t be opening an online account to do the claim. It’ll be submitted over the telephone. ☎️

    I do like old-fashioned ways. Sometimes you can’t beat being old-fashioned.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering
    edited January 22

    My claim needs to be made up of the following:

    • The Standard Allowance for being single and being over 25 years of age. I am 30 by the way.
    • The Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity element (LCRWA).

    Do the calculations correctly for my claim UC staff, I beg of you. It’s your job to get it right so just get it right.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Online Community Member Posts: 641 Empowering
    edited January 22


    I’m still going to be doing claim for Universal Credit in the w/c 3rd February but I’m going to delay starting my claim by an extra 24 hours. It won’t be on the day that I get an ESA payment. I’ll get my PIP payment on the Tuesday, the ESA payment on the Wednesday THEN I’ll get the ball rolling on the Thursday, the day AFTER that respective ESA payment.

    The reason why I’ll be delaying the claim by 24 hours is because CA Help to Claim advisors keep telling that I should do the claim the day after I get a payment of Employment & Support Allowance. The advisors keep telling that’ll be better for my two week run on payment.

    It’s only 1 extra day. If that helps me out in respect of the 2 week run on payment from ESA, I’m all for it.

    My assessment periods instead will be 6 - 5th of every month and my first payment from UC will be on 12th March instead.